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Arthit's POV------

The next couple of days were filled with police reports, body guard duty and keeping Kongpob comfortable and still. It looked like he might be one of those patients that didn’t want to listen to their doctor.

As he became more lucid, he halfheartedly asked some leading questions. Perhaps neither of us was quite ready for the answers yet, so he allowed me to avoid answering.

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to answer, and the hospital wasn’t the best place to answer most of them anyway. How do you tell someone you are in love with them after knowing them for such a short time ?? How do you tell the person you love that you are a Vampire ?? That your Vampire strength is what helped you break the chains holding him to the piano like they were made out of tissue paper. That the reason you were able to reach at the right time to save him because you felt the mating pull, pulling you towards him, Oh, and by the way, one more thing..... I also feel the urge to feed from you like crazy, since I met you and you were nearly killed by me if my family wasn't there to protect you from Me.

For now, it was easier to ignore those things and continue learning about him. I was right, He was a bad patient, but he was getting healthier. He had more hours where he didn’t need the pain pump, and the doctors let him off of it by the end of the week. He was still taking pain meds by mouth, and that would continue for some time.

The wound in Kongpob’s side was healing well. He was told that he wouldn’t be allowed to do anything strenuous for six weeks, with some light exercise starting at the four week mark. When I learned that information, I breathed a sigh of relief, before regretting the action as I remembered what a bad patient he was. I didn’t know if he would actually listen to the doctors regarding resting.

His orthopedic surgeon told him that the bones in his hand would need to knit before he could do anything further. He would be in the cast for six weeks. He also let him know that he felt Kongpob would play again. Noor came in as his therapist on the sixth day to show him a few things that he could do while in the brace. The doctors agreed that he could be discharged on next week if he listened to them with regard to resting and taking care of himself.

Kongpob continued to fight the doctors and display bad patient behavior. He wanted to be well right now, and his doctors finally had to threaten him with permanent disability if he didn’t follow their orders. His frustration was evident as he fought to keep still and do as ordered. I longed to wrap my arms around him and hold him close each time the look of frustration was replaced by one of near defeat because of the situation. I did find myself running my fingers through his hair at the moments where I could see him start to tense up. It did seem to help him.

Officer Mike came in on Thursday to get Kongpob’s statement about the kidnapping. He told us that Maya had gone totally nuts when she was informed of her mother’s death. She had spewed enough information at that point that Mike was sure that she would be found guilty on all charges when her trial came up in the spring. We all have to be available to testify then.

Guardian Angels were still on guard duty. It had been leaked that Kongpob was in this hospital, and the press was very anxious, actually quite rabid, to talk to him.

His fans were also trying to get close to him. Bright, Jenny or I were with him 24/7. Jenny had caught a young woman wearing a badly fitted nurse’s uniform trying to give Kongpob a sponge bath. His face had been very red as he tried to keep her hands away from him while trying to grab the nurse call button with his good hand. She was trying to yank his shirt off. It’s a good thing that it was Jenny who caught the girl because I may have had to kill her.

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