No Secrets....

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Arthit's POV------

Here we are, Me and Kongpob.... holding hands on the way to his kitchen. He now knows that I am a vampire, but I don't think he truly understands exactly what that means. Otherwise why wasn't he freaking out ??

He really amazed me every single time.

I sighed quietly as I asked him what he would like to eat. After looking through the very well stocked refrigerator he chose bacon and eggs.

Breakfast.......... for dinner.

How hard could it be for me to cook those ??

While Kongpob got the coffee maker working and popped some bread into the toaster, I got a frying pan out and turned on the gas. He kept looking up at me and smiling, curiosity in his eyes. Again I wondered what his next questions would be. He had amazed me with the way he had taken my answers so far. I never would have thought that his first question would be, How old are you ?? I guess we had to start somewhere and that really did lead me into the story of my change. But he still didn't grasp exactly what I was, A predator, out to drink human blood. Yes, his blood is still calling to me and I was keeping myself in check because I loved him. But how could this wonderful man, so intelligent, so handsome not be afraid of me being a vampire ??

Did I want him to be afraid of me ??

Had I really wanted him to run screaming from the house ??

Maybe I thought he wouldn't believe me and that he would have called his friends asking for help......

Kongpob laughed and walked over to me, taking the pan out of my hand. I had been standing there while the bacon was getting pretty crispy. It was done and he expertly put the bacon on the plate he had set out. He deftly cracked a couple of eggs one handedly and slipped them into the hot pan. When they were nicely scrambled, he carefully lifted the pan and dumped them onto the plate with the bacon, all done with one hand.

Another sigh left my lips and he turned to look at me.

"What's wrong ??"

He asked, concern now etched on his face.

"Why aren't you afraid of me Kongpob ?? Why aren't you running away ??"

I finally asked as I carried his plate to the table while he got a cup of coffee.

Kongpob was quiet as he sat down and picked up his fork. I waited while he took his first bite of eggs. He chewed and swallowed before answering me.

"Well, the way I look at it, is that you have been alone with me numerous times for over the course of last few weeks. Most of your family has been alone with me at one time or another...and I am still alive"

He took another bite of food and looked into my eyes. I know that my mouth was agape. I snapped it shut as he continued eating. After a few minutes he continued

"In fact, you have all gone out of your way to keep me safe, to rescue me and to help me with my speedy recovery. That tells me a lot"

"If any one of you had wanted to kill me, or to drink my blood, you have all had ample opportunity to do so"

He took a sip of coffee and watched me.

He had a point. A good one and I couldn't fault his logic. I guess the problem was with me. I didn't know what to expect from him and my guesses as to what he would do were so far from true. I loved this man...he was amazing. A smile began slowly and then a laugh just burst from me. He laughed again, with me.

"So, what's your next question ??"

I asked. He thought for a moment and I couldn't tell in the slightest what was going to come out of his mouth. Sure enough, he surprised me again.

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