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Kongpob's POV-------

After we parked on a lower floor in the hospital parking building, Bright took us in an unmarked side door. He seemed to know his way around the hospital pretty well. When I looked at him in inquiry, he shrugged and said,

“My eldest brother's wife works here. I have been in here a lot”

"How many brothers you have ??"

"Four.....Knott is the eldest...than Prem...than Me... Arthit is the youngest. Knott's wife Noor works as a Physiotherapist in this hospital"

We walked down several corridors and rode up on a couple of elevators. I was pretty turned around by the time we stepped off the third elevator and saw Arthit and Jenny waiting nearby.

Arthit came towards us, concern on his face as he lightly rested his hand on my arm. It was a soothing gesture and I appreciated it.

“May is resting comfortably right now”

Arthit said.

“They have set her up in a private room. We will have to go through a security checkpoint to get there”

His words eased my tension to some small degree. But... Questions tumbled out of my mouth without restraint

“Can I see her now ?? When will Aim be here ??”

“Yes you can see her, I will take you into her ward in just a few minutes. But first I want to tell you both what happened at her place”

Arthit and Jenny filled us in on the damage that they had discovered at May's house. I was so grateful that Jenny had gone with her to check the place out. I told her so too. She smiled at me and told me that it was no problem and she was glad she had been there with May, too.

It was hard to wrap my mind around the fact that some person had destroyed May’s yard and had spray painted her house, just because they were after me. It steeled my resolve that this had to be taken care of…and soon. This kind of tension wasn’t good for any of us, especially May.

Arthit was speaking again.

“Aim will be landing at the Airport in about four hours. One of us will go get him and then bring him back here”

He paused again, his brow creased in concentration.

“I don’t think that the stalker could possibly know that he is on his way back, or when he would be arriving here in Bangkok. But I don’t want to take any chances with his safety. I don’t think that she could know that May is here in this hospital either”

I nodded.

“That would be great”

I blurted out my next question

“How could this happen ?? And, more importantly, why ?? Why go after May ??”

“This stalker is really escalating her agenda”

Arthit said with a rueful shake of his head. Both Jenny and Bright nodded.

“Her note said that she was mad at May for keeping you from her. It’s relatively easy to find someone’s address in this day and age. I am just glad that Jenny went home with May”

Jenny shook her head sadly.

“I just wish that I could have spared her from seeing the mess at the house”

A steely look came over her face.

“She has shown her anger now, though. We are going to find this stalker and put an end to this situation”

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