Positive sides....

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Bright's Pov---------

We were on our way to the Oregon. We really needed to get to the house to save Kongpob from that phycho Vampire Hina this time. We can't leave him alone for long, He always gets in trouble.

Thank God Arthit was there with him.

I was so happy that Arthit was trying to accept his feelings for Kongpob. He had been alone, and lonely, for so long. That wasn’t to say he was sad all the time, No he was happy with us too but.... sometimes I saw a longing look on his face when one of us would kiss our mates. He deserved love and happiness in his life too. Happiness like I shared with my Jenny. My grin got wider as I thought about my mate. She is my life and my joy. I was so grateful that Arthit had found someone to make him feel that way too. The fact that he is a human is just a small glitch on the radar. I just hope this will work out well between them.

I found the house with no problem. It was high on the mountain side and the view of the valley was spectacular. Turning back to the house I could see that the lights were all lit on the main floor. It was a lovely place. As we got out of the jeep I could smell our friends, and Hina. I had to swallow down a bit of venom when I remember what she tried to made me do last time.

Control was what I was striving for. This women really pushed my buttons. All in wrong way. But because of Tootah, we all were ignoring her bothersome presence since the very start.

A soft growl rumbled through Jenny's chest as she excited the jeep and smelled Hina's presence. I quickly put an arm around her. A vampire’s memory was long and permanent and she had not forgotten What Hina planned to do with me and how Harry had helped Hina, getting me alone on their last visit with us. It disgusted me that they used Hina’s special powers to take over a mated vampire. The fight that ensued when Jenny discovered what was going down was intense. It took Tootah, as the only connection between the two of our families, promising that they would leave immediately and wouldn’t return until being invited, to calm things down. And now here they were, interacting with Arthit and his mate. I can imagine Hina's lust filled eyes taking in the handsome personality of our Kongpob. It made me want to growl too.

“It’s okay, Jenny”

I whispered softly as the door opened before us.

"We can handle this. We have to for Arthit and Kongpob." 

"I know, I just wish that I could break off one of her arms and burn it…"

The door was open now and Tootah was there to greet us. 

"Bright and Jenny !! How nice to see you again."

Tootah seemed so happy to see us. He stepped out of the door and hugged each of us.

"Before we are all reunited, I wanted to tell you that nothing unpleasant will happen this time"

He nodded at jenny and then at me.

"Arthit has already warned Hina off of Kongpob."

Then he laughed,

"Although Kongpob did a pretty good job of protecting himself, too!" 

I looked him in the eye. It wasn't Tootah that any of us had a problem with. He was part of our family before he found his mate in Harry. Actually he decided to leave with Harry and Hina, because he knew that we would never be able to live in peace with his mate and his sister.

"They are going to behave, aren't they ??"

Tootah was nodding before I had finished my sentence. 

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