First Meeting....

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Arthit's POV------

I called Angela at nine, to let her know that I wouldn’t be by the office this morning. I would work from home and then go straight to the appointment.

"Okay, Boss"

She said. After a short pause, she asked

"Are you sure you don’t need me to take notes ??"

I laughed quietly and said,

"Not today. But at the meeting, I will set it up so that he can come by the office tomorrow to sign the contracts"

I let her squeal of delight run its course, before I continued

"I will let you know what time he will be coming by, so you can have the papers ready"

I think she panted into the phone !!

"Okay, I will be waiting for your call"

We discussed a couple more office issues then said goodbye and hung up.

I read through the info packet that Kongpob and May had filled out. His house was in one of the nicest sections of the city, here in Bangkok. A gated community, with a guard at the entrance. That’s why they had been so bothered by that last gift. It had been found on his front porch.

How did the stalker get into the area ??

I wondered if it might be someone living in the neighborhood. Just because an individual was rich, it dosen't make them a good person. Dosen't make them a bad one either, but people would be... human.

All this while, I was wearing Kongpob's shirt. He was a little smaller than my 6" feet frame, so it was clinging to my skin like a second layer. Jenny finally couldn’t stand it any longer. She came towards me and opened few top buttons.... revealing a lot more skin than I prefer.

"Now it's looking cool"

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"Now it's looking cool"

She commented.

"Really ??”

I asked, a little irritated.

"I get that you want to have his scent around you, but you have to be cautious about how you look too"

She wrinkled her little nose and once again commanded me

"Get up"

I laughed and stood up for her, holding my arms out to the side. She pulled the shirt out of my jeans and let it hang loosely.

"There, now you can go back to work"

She laughed.

"I like this look on you"

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