Fate...!! Again...??

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Arthit's POV-----

Time - 1660

I was forced to stay at home. My father, Mr. Rojnapat tried his best to arrange things to please Mr. Anderson. But I was worried for my Kong. Tomorrow is his birthday... His first without his family and also his first with me.

I sneaked out from my home at night to surprise him, at his cousin's house. I planned for his birthday with Knott, He and I, we became good friends in the last few months of knowing each other, he is a wise man with lots of patience and full of intelligent advices. I really like him and respect him too.


Kongpob's Pov---------

Time - 1660

“I am sorry that I could not do something more special for your birthday Kong”

Arthit was sitting beside me, holding my hand, we are on the rooftop.

“That is okay. I usually do not like celebrating my birthday”

I told him. Dreading inside because I knew only a day or two is left now.

“I do not even have a present for you. All the stores are closed at this hour, and father wouldn't let me out in the evening”

“Arthit, I do not need a present. How about you play the piano for me, I always enjoy listening to you play ??”

I suggested.

“Alright, but as soon as we are married and get away from here, I am getting you a real present”

Arthit stood, helping me to my feet. He kissed me before linking our hands to walk down the hall where Noor placed a small piano for me.

We were passing down the stairs when I saw Noor walking towards us with a Solomon face.

"Arthit...your mother send a servant to call you back, your father is looking for you"

"At this time ??"

Arthit said in a strained voice.

"Arthit, I am coming with you too"

Arthit stopped me though.

“Kong, sweetheart, please stay here. I do not want you to get stressed about anything”

He begged.

“Arthit, I want to be there for you”

I insisted.

“Please, do not be stubborn this time. I love you Kong, so very much and I will be back soon to take you with me, just wait a little more for me, please... ”

Arthit begged, pulling my hand to his chest right over his heart.

“Alright, for now”

I sighed, stepping back and crossing my arms in front of my chest. Arthit started to open his mouth to argue, but was interrupted.

“Arthit, You should get going”

Noor called. Arthit kissed me on my forehead and walked down. 

I watched until he was out of my sight before heading inside and to find Knott looking at me with worry.

"It's almost time for his change"

I murmured.

"Yes I believe so... Don't worry I am ready. He will be fine, you can trust me on that"

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