Pursuit of Love (Happy Birthday Makino Aikawa - Feb 14 2020 -)

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Type of story: Short story (no reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
POV: 3rd person

Love was in the air around Genome Tower this fateful chilly February morning, for it was Valentines Day season. Makino was in his room, lying awake under the warm covers in the quiet and brisk tower.

You would assume on his birthday, Valentine's Day no less, would be the one day of the year he enjoyed and awaited the most, but to him, it was just a day like any other. One he wouldn't expect to receive any special treatment.

Despite being born on the day dedicated entirely to love, he was especially the one who had received absolutely none. The people he calls his "parents" would barely even look at him despite the occasion, maybe even try to avoid him the most on this day.

His classmates at school would without a doubt ogle him all day, confessing their love, baking him sweets and sending him letters. Even some of the boys in his class and sometimes a teacher or two would do the same. But he mostly shrugged it off and keep a straight face, which would make his admires swoon no less.

If only his dazzling hypnotic abilities that would make absolutely anyone fall in love with him, work on the two people he would wish to look his way.

Makino weakly got out of bed and trudged over to the bathroom to freshen up. He took a look at himself in the mirror and sighed.

There was one thing that almost always cheered him on his birthday...

His neighbour Sumire would always visit the house and bring Makino over so they could have their own celebration. She would cook his favourite dinner, they would chat and she would even get a gift for him.

Makino would always spend his mornings sitting on his bed, staring out at Sumire's bedroom window, waiting for her to unfold her blinds and open her window to tell him to come over.

Today, Makino wished for more than ever to see her the most.

His thoughts were interrupted when a burst came at his bedroom door, followed by familiar voices.

"MAKINO-KUUUUN! ARE YOU HERE!!?" Iride called.


"M-Man I didn't even know I had this strength.. THIS MUST MEAN MY WORKOUTS ARE PAYING OFF!!" Iride exclaimed

"Let's all agree to just, not tell the alpaca idiot that we broke his door.." came in Kaikoku

"Whoa.. this is weird- everything's all spinning- Anya, is this what usually happens when you workout..?"

"IRIDE- IRIDE ARE YOU OKAY!? SPEAK TO US-" came in the voice of a worried Oshigiri


"G-Guys! M-Maybe we shouldn't be too loud.."
came in our soft spoken Himiko.


Makino peered out of the bathroom door to see the rest of his comrades all bustling around his room in a panic as Iride laid face-first into the ground.

Yuzu was the first to notice Makino there and motioned the others to look up too.

"A-Ah-! Maki-Maki th-this isn't what it looks like-" Yuzu attempted to reassure.

"Y-Yeah-!" Came in Zakuro, who was sweating bullets, "Iride is just um- meditating-"

"I-It's good for composure!" Yuzu added,
"G-Go on Akki, show him how fun it is-!"

"M-Mhmm..!" came a muffle from Iride as he weakly put his thumbs up.

Makino couldn't help but feel a bit warmer inside. Now was different than before. This time, he wasn't alone anymore. He had found others to love, who love him back. People that stick by him through thick and thin. Bad times and good. People to laugh with and cry with. Friends whom he loves ever so dearly

And he wouldn't trade them for the world.

. . .

Back in the real world, miles away from Genome tower, a young woman was in her home preparing for a very special occasion.

"Oh where is that darn candle?!" She muttered in frustration as she paced around her house in search of it.

Her young baby was sitting in a high chair, watching as her mom scavenged her house, clearly in desperation. She had wondered what was on her mother's mind

At last, the woman had found what she was looking for and took a sigh of relief. Then she went over to the kitchen table, that had a small red velvet cake on a cake tray, with a special written message for someone close to her heart.

She leaned over the cake and stuck the candle into the icing, and lit it with a lighter

"Happy birthday dear Makino," she said, "I pray that you are safe, and happy."

Happy birthday Makino
~~From: Sumire
May we meet again soon -


AAAAND! There you have it! I finally finished Makino's bday chap! Sorry for how delayed it was, but I'm starting to get in the swing of things with writing and I thought I would upload it! Hope you enjoyed ~~

Stay safe everyone 🙏

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