Day 3: First Date || HimiAnya

169 8 3

Type of story: Flufftober entry (no reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: Some swears
POV: 3rd person POV

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥  。゚. ─────

"Are we seriously doing this right now..?"

"Well, let's just wait and see.."

It was evening one rainy October in Genome Tower. Himiko and Anya were both seated at the common room dinner table, patiently waiting for the others to get there. Their other teammates were supposedly the ones who mysteriously invited them both to meet them there. Together preferably.

You see, recently Himiko and Anya started dating each other. It's only been one week since they both confessed to one another and life as they knew it from then was pure bliss. They honestly couldn't be happier, although it did take some time getting used to, they were glad they were together.

Himiko turned her gaze to the window, where the rain was coming down hard. "Iride-san and the others... sure are taking a while.."

Anya clicked his tongue in annoyance, "You would think they would at least make an effort to meet us on time. After all, they were the ones who invited us here in the first place."

"APOLOGIES FOR THE WAIT-!!!" Came the voice of Iride behind them.

"Good god! Took you long enough Akatsuki!" said Anya, "now, why did you need us to meet you here-

But Anya never did end up finishing his sentence. As he was saying that, Anya took a look behind him to find Iride, dressed head to toe in chef's clothing, wearing a fake moustache on his face.

"My deepest apologies, Mademoiselle and Monsieur!" Iride said in a broken French accent, bowing his head apologetically, "Zer was a err... unexpected change in zee plan."

Himiko stared at the moustached Iride,
"I-Iride-san? Is that.. you?"


"We do not talk about zee moustache-" Iride said, rather quickly as if trying not to bring it up, "More importantly..

Suddenly, Iride threw streamers and confetti into the air, "CONGRATULATIONS ON BECOMING A COUPLE!! FÉLICITATIONS-!!" Iride shouted and then came Punitsuki flying from the air, hurdling towards Anya's direction.

"PUNIII~~" Punitsuki said happily.

"GAHH-!! WHAT THE HELL!!??" Anya flailed his arms around, in desperation of getting Punitsuki off him.

"C-Couple!??" Himiko blushed red.

"Mais oui! In celebration of your newfound love, we all decided to plan your first date!!"

"DATE!!? " now it was Anya's turn to blush. "YOU MEAN THE GET-UP IS ALL FOR A DATE!??"

"It was all Yuzu's idea." Iride answered.

"This is why you wanted us to meet here!?"

"Oui oui," Iride said impatiently, "you guys are repeating me a lot. Are you even listening?"

"Lo Siento, sorry for the wait. Your food." came a familiar voice from behind Iride, setting down plates of food on the table.

Himiko and Anya turned to see Zakuro, who was also dressed the same as Iride and wearing a matching moustache that was stuck rather poorly on his mask, carrying a silver tray. His expression was a lot less energetic than Iride's.

"Ah oui!! Zakuro-kun!" Iride called out to him cheerfully, "I was just think about you, mon ami!"

This time Anya laughed even harder, "BAHAHHAH!! YOU LOOK SO STUPID!!!" He taunted at Zakuro, who was shaking in fury.

"P-Please enjoy your food.." Zakuro said irritably, trying to stay in character.

"YOU'RE MOUSTACHE IS BARELY EVEN ON!!" Anya continued taunting.


"Z-Zakuro-kun you're making us look bad!" Iride quickly tried to calm him down and plastered a smile back on his face, "U-Uh please enjoy the food~!!"

And with that, Iride hurried off with Zakuro, who was still muttering Spanish insults.

With all that weirdness aside, Himiko and Anya decided to start eating. The food was surprisingly delicious, a spectacular platter of Japanese dishes, probably compliments of Kaikoku. All decorated and arranged all cutesy and elegant, most likely Makino, Yuzu and Iride's doing. And to top it all off, a mushroom stew as the main course and a smooth, creamy pudding for dessert, definitely Zakuro and Karin.

Himiko couldn't help but smile to herself as they ate. Anya seemed to take notice of this.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked her.

"It's just, well they really did put so much effort in this date." Himiko said, "I can't help but smile."

"Yeah, they really did think this through." Anya agreed, "Although it was a little weird, not a bad first date."

Himiko beamed.

The two looked outside the window. The rain seemed to have died down and the moon came out, shining a pearl white light illuminating the common room.

Anya turned to Himiko, "I'm... glad that we got to have our first date together..." he said quietly.

Himiko turned to him and smiled. She took a hold of his hands, "Me too."

Meanwhile, Iride stood by the kitchen door, looking out into room, watching Himiko and Anya. He smiled.

Zakuro came into the room and threw a used rag on the counter. He then approached Iride behind him, "Hey, I just told Roromori how things were. They're just cleaning up in the back."

"Alright." Iride replied.

"Jeez, can't believe we were talked into doing this.." Zakuro muttered bitterly and began peeling off his fake moustache. "Roromori and her ideas.."

"Well, it worked out right? I mean, look how happy they are." Iride said, as he looked at the two once more.

"Yeah, I guess your right."

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And there you have it!! Hopefully you guys enjoyed that oneshot XD It was a little more on the comedy side, but I did want to get that cute scene with Himiko and Anya during their date. Although I definitely had a lot of fun with the French Iride and the Spanish Zakuro XDD

Stay tuned for Day: 4~!!!

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