Day 17: Selfie Together || AkkiAnya

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Type of story: Flufftober entry (without reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: None
POV: 3rd person

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥ 。゚. ─────

"Come on, Anya-kun!!" Iride urged.

"No way in hell!!" Anya protested.

"Just one picture I promise!!"

Iride and Anya were in the storage room at Genome Tower. Paca mentioned that due to Genome Tower being an old theme park, the storage room was quite messy with old items that need to be donated or sorted. Upon hearing this, Iride volunteered to help tidy it up. Of course, Iride also volunteered Anya to join him.

They arrived in the old dusty storage room an hour ago and were sorting all the different items. From files and old consent forms to old desks and notebooks. The Genome Tower storage room was full of all kinds of things. As they were sorting through all the different items, Iride noticed an old digital camera in one of the boxes.

"It'll be super fun!" Iride insisted, "Besides, the camera is super cool!"

"Akatsuki, the camera isn't even ours! Besides, it probably doesn't even work!"

"Well, we can't help but try no?"

Anya sighed in frustration and gave in. He walked over by Iride, who was trying to get the camera to turn on.

A red light appeared by the lense, followed by a small BEEP.

"Ah! It's on!" Iride exclaimed. He continued to explore through the camera's settings excitedly, putting it into focus. Once it was set, he held it up, the front camera facing them like "selfie mode" on a phone.

Both Iride and Anya huddled together to get in frame, "Jeez this is ridiculous.." Anya groaned.

"It's fine it's fine!" Iride reassured him, "Come on, don't make that face. We want a good picture!"


After many attempts on convincing Anya to go along with it, Iride managed to snap a picture in the end.

"Uwah! Anya-kun it came out good!" Iride said excitedly, "The graphics really are good for an old camera!"

"Psh, Whatever."

Iride started to fidget around with the camera, "Hmm, I wonder what kind of filters are on here—" but as Iride went through the old camera, he pressed a button viewing pictures that were taken before his and Anya's. Pictures of a downtown city, an alpaca farm, a small village, and a desert location. For some reason, all those areas looked really familiar, but Iride wouldn't quite pinpoint exactly why.

It wasn't until an image of a forest which resembled much like the one where he first arrived in popped up on the screen. Iride's eyes widened, realizing now why those old images were familiar.

"This camera, it has pictures of the locations some of our games took place in." He said.

"What?" Anya peered over at the screen and started realizing it too, "No way.. but now they look way different.."

"Paca-san did say this place used to be a theme park." Iride noted, "The faculty who probably ran that park must've taken photos of different sites for the project.."

"Huh, I wonder why the theme park idea got shut down." Anya said, "I mean, I would much rather a theme park then this hell.."

"Yeah me too," Iride laughed, "Maybe one day once this is all over, we can all visit one as a group!"

"Yeah maybe."

"And we can get lots of great food!! Oooh! Maybe even cotton candy!" Iride's mouth watered just thinking about it.

"You child." Anya rolled his eyes.

And thus, the two finished up their work, the storage room looking much organized and cleaner. Anya placed the final box on his stack and headed over to Iride, asking him if he's ready to head out.

"Just a sec," Iride told him, "just sealing this last box. I'll be right behind you!"

"Alright." Anya nodded.

Iride closed up his box and was about to head out with Anya, when he noticed the camera still hung around his wrist by the camera strap. Iride removed the camera off his wrist and took one last look at the picture he took with Anya, he smiled. Iride then carefully placed onto the desk and followed after Anya.

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥ 。゚. ─────

Sorry that this one was a bit late, midterms have been pretty brutal ;w; but I hope you guys enjoyed it XD

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