Watching Over You (Anya Birthday Special ║ October 10, 2020)

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Type: Fluff
Written By: @fictionaltingz
Warnings: The word b*stard is used once
POV: First-Person (Kenya's POV)

(A/N) hAHA so I decided to write something for Anya's birthday cuz we stan a tsun-tsun king but this is actually so bad like I literally don't know how to write. Anyways if you're still here I hope you enjoy reading!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Dear Anya,

You're six years old now, you little runt!

You've grown into a fine young man if I do say so myself.

You've learned so many things this year!

You learned how to read chapter books, and you learned how to spell "exhausting."

You learned how to play Battleship and Chess, and how to talk to Shinya respectfully.

I'm proud of the little man you have grown into now.

Learn a bunch of new things this year, ok?

Keep running to the future, Anya.

With all the wishes I can muster,


─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Dear Anya,

You're 16 now.

I can't believe it.

Just a few years ago, you were throwing tantrums all the time and throwing things at Shinya and me.

Look at you now.

You've gone from being a little brat to a strong man.

You've gone from being a whiny idiot to one of the most compassionate people I've seen.

And while you don't show it a lot, I know you care.

You care for the friends who are around you.

You care for the blue-eyed boy who follows you around.

Your personality screams insensitivity, but your body language shows the exact opposite.

I'm proud of the person you are now.

I'm sorry I couldn't be with you for these past few years to celebrate.

I'm sorry that you can't even receive this letter.

I'll still light a candle for you, and I'm sure Shinya will buy a cake and blow out the candle himself, the sweet-toothed bastard.

No matter what, remember, I'm always watching over you.

Shinya and I will always care for you.

Have a bowl of ramen in memory of me, alright?

Don't let my death hold you back.

Continue exploring the world and making new friends (maybe even get a girlfriend, if you can convince a girl to like you!)

Keep running to the future, Anya.

With all the love I can hold in my heart,


(P.S. I know you can't read this, but I hope all the good vibes and thoughts that I've attempted to convey through this letter will reach you safely on this monumental day of yours. And because I never said it enough while I was still alive, know that I will always love you, you sweet little runt.)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

(A/N) And that's that! Happy birthday Anya, have fun this year. We love you (or at least @rikkaxira4ever, Iride, Kenya, Shinya and I do XD!)

Also, Karin and Himiko's birthday passed a while ago (let's pretend I didn't forget about them) so I'll try to write little things for them too and post them this weekend (you know, if I ever do manage to pull myself out of my depressive slump enough to actually write XD)

Other than that, thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

(Also, it's Noya's and Naruto' s b-day today, so happy birthday to 2 of the most iconic characters ever! Noya, thank you for being literally my favourite crackhead ever, and Naruto, thank you for being such a huge inspiration to so many people, young and old!)

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