Day 15: First Kiss || Zakuro x F!Reader

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Type of story: Flufftober entry (with reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: None
POV: Zakuro's POV

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥ 。゚. ─────

Sigh. Alright. I'm going to do it.

No more being scared.

Today's the day I'm finally gonna be honest with myself, and do the thing I wanted to do most...

I was standing outside of Y/N's bedroom door, having a little pep talk with myself in order to be prepared and not make a stupid move.

Y/N and I have been really good friends ever since we've first arrived at Genome Tower. She was fearless, brave, confident... All the traits I could never be. She honestly reminded me so much of my twin sister, Sakura. Her independence and self fulfilling nature, resembled quite well with my sister's traits.

Next thing I knew, I found myself falling for her. Now, I couldn't possibly admit this to myself. After all, we were complete strangers up until a while ago, when we first started this whole mess and collecting chromosomes and raising our view count. Just teammates. Just friends. Nothing more that can add on to our relationship. That was where I was wrong.

I admired her. After all, she's so much better than me in every way. Outgoing, brave, positive. Nothing like me and my coward and awkward self. I'm nowhere near her level. Still, I couldn't help that whenever I was with her, I felt like a man. I was in love.

I held my hand up to knock on the door, but quickly set it down in doubtfulness.

What if she doesn't feel that way about me..?

No, stop it Zakuro! Don't say stuff like that!

I take a deep breath. Okay. I need to chill. After all, I mustered all of my courage getting here, I can't risk backing down now!

I rested my hand on the door knob handle, still drowning in my insecurities and uncertainties. Who am I thinking? This is a prime example of my cowardliness. Way to prove that I'm actually going to be brave for once..

I continued to stupidly stand there, feeling like an idiot and well, stupid, when the doorknob on the other side of the bedroom door started to turn and suddenly swing open, causing me to fall face first into the ground.

"Zakuro!" A voice like a sweet bird called out to me, "I had no idea you were there! Are you okay?'

With my body still splattered on the ground and my mouth tasting like the carpet, I managed to weakly stand up thanks to the help of my sweet saviour. I looked into her beautiful eyes and there she was. The girl whom I did not want to make a fool of myself in front of (though I still managed to). The girl who won my heart. Y/N.

"Zakuro? Hey are you okay? You're kinda looking at me funny.."

Shoot! I was so caught up in her, I didn't even realize how creepy I must've looked staring at her. Especially after I just fell straight through her bedroom door.

"Uh-! Erm- well I- the thing is-" I continued to sputter out nonsense, desperately wanting to just die of embarrassment right then and there. So much for that pep talk. I should've known even with all the encouragement I gave myself earlier, I would still be a nervous wreck.

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