Wishes (Happy Birthday Anya Kudou - Oct 10, 2020 - )

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Type of story: Short story (no reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: Some spoilers for those who haven't finished the manga
POV: 3rd person (although throughout the story, it switches from Anya's perspective and Shinya's perspective, but still maintains 3rd person POV)

We are brought to the real world, way beyond Genome Tower. Hinoki, Shinya and Ichiya are driving outside the outskirts of town.

Ichiya was at the wheel, accompanied with Hinoki seated beside him, going on about the attractions and scenery he was observing around them. Meanwhile, Shinya was seated in the back, silent.

Once they hit a red light, Ichiya turned towards him, "We're nearly there." Ichiya informed Shinya, "The facility should be in the next town over. Once we're there, we'll be able to cross and enter the place your brother and those other kids were kidnapped."

He nodded and Ichiya continued to drive once the light turned green. Shinya looked over at his phone beside him and picked it up. A notification from his calendar informed him of an event that was taking place today.

🗓 Calendar
Anya's birthday 🎂

"Happy birthday!!"
"Heyy kiddo, how old are you now?"
"Ken-nii, I'm eight!"
"Eight!?? Good grief, What happened to you being three? Damn, Anya you're growing up too fast!"
"Blow your candles Anya."
"What'd you wish for?"
"I'm not telling!! It's a secret Ken-nii!!"
"Will you tell me?"
"Hmm, I'll tell Shin-nii!"
"What!? Okay who even made up this rule-

Shinya stared at his phone and sighed,

By now, we would be having cake together as a family.. Anya would be 16 right now right?

He looked out the window where the clear blue sky spread across the horizon, looking down on the busy streets they were driving along.

- - - - -
Now we're brought back to Genome Tower. Anya was in his room, looking out of his bedroom small window staring at the vast blue above him.

He was then interrupted by the click of the doorknob.

"Anya-kun!" It was Iride's voice. He entered the room, "Come join us in the common room,"

Anya turned towards Iride and nodded, "Sure, I'll be there."

"Alright!" Iride said happily and walked off.

Anya straightened and headed towards the door. He took one look out the window again and followed Iride into the hallway.

- - - - - - -

Shinya and the others continued their drive. They have completely left downtown now and were driving by the countryside.

It has only been an hour when Ichiya took a look at the gas meter and cursed.

"Something wrong?" Hinoki asked him.

"We're running low on gas." Ichiya replied, "Now the car decides to run out of fuel? We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Not to worry," Hinoki reassured him, "the GPS says there's a gas station up ahead. We can just go there."

Upon Hinoki's instructions, Ichiya managed to change their current route and make it to the station. He parked the car at a gas pump and unbuckled his seatbelt.

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