Remember You

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Type of story: Short story (no reader insert)
Warnings: Some swears
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
POV: 3rd person

It was a quiet morning in Genome Tower. The summer sun blazing it's blinding light in the distance. Iride and the others were gathered in the common room.

"Damnit! Why's it so damn hot in here?" Anya complained, trying to cool himself down by airing out his shirt, "I'm literally sweating buckets over here!"

"We're all in the same boat Anboy," said Yuzu, who was in the middle of braiding Karin's hair, "it seems the A/C is down."

Anya clicked his tongue, "Stupid alpaca-idiot! The least he could do is make sure his damn
A/C works!"

"Well, I'm sure Paca is doing his best." Iride said considerately. He was fanning a sleeping Makino with a paper fan that he had made earlier.

"Leave it to you to always stick up for him.."

"Kai-san, aren't you hot in that kimono?" asked Yuzu.

"I'm used to it it." Kaikoku merely shrugged.

"Ding dong ding fuweeh ~"

"Well, speak of the devil." Kaikoku commented. Anya rolled his eyes.

"I hope everyone's doing well on this especially warm summer morning." Paca's voice said through the  P/A system.

"Unfortunately due to tower malfunctions, it just so happens that the air conditioning is down."

" 'Just so happens'? I bet he planned it all along.." Karin muttered.

"Luckily, tower maintenance is working on it as we speak. So please bear with me."

"Also because of our circumstances, I decided that everyone shall take a break from the games for the day. You're welcome in advance."

A vein began to pulsate on Anya's forehead. "Why you-

"Have a wonderful day everyone!"

And with that, the announcement concluded.

"Stuck up bastard." Anya cursed.

"Well, that's just how it is." said Yuzu, "Let's just make the best of our current situation."

"Breakfast is ready!" came Himiko's voice from the kitchen.

As everyone made their way to the table, Kaikoku came up to Iride.

"Hey Iride, do you know where Oshigiri is?" He asked him.

"Ah, I think he's still asleep in his room." Iride answered. "He said that he'll join us later."

Kaikoku wore a blank expression. Zakuro never slept in this late. He would always wake up early and visit Kaikoku's room out of habit. What happened today?

Ah, there I go thinking like him, Kaikoku thought, I'm sure he's fine.

"I see." He answered.

A few rooms down, Zakuro lied in bed.

His arm rested on his forehead as he stared, wide awake, at the ceiling in silence. The silence eventually broke with a small jingle that came from his hand.

Zakuro took his eyes off the ceiling and directed his gaze to the source of the jingle. The bracelet which had the engraving of his twin sister's name on it layed caressed in his palm.

He had found that bracelet during the ogre elimination stage a few games back. It was the only actual clue he had found since arriving here that could potentially lead him to his sister. But his hopes were in vain when the demon girl from the game told him that she wasn't there.

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