Goodnight Kiss - Day 5: Forehead kisses/touches || Kaikoku x F!Reader

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Flufftober Day 5: Forehead kisses/touches
Type of story: Fluff
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: None
POV: 3rd person POV

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥  。゚. ─────

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in!" Y/N called out.

It was a late October evening, and Y/N was in her room, reading. Everyone decided to call it a day early head out for the night. They were told tomorrow's game was going to be quite the challenge and that everyone needs to be at their best. As if Paca wasn't already torturing them enough.

Y/N was just about to start the next chapter of her book, when a visitor came knocking on the door.

"I said come in!" She called out once more.

The door swung open and just as Y/N suspected, Kaikoku Onigasaki stood at the foot of the door.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"Just reading a book." She replied, and looked back down at the novel in her hands.

Kaikoku took a look at the wall clock hanging by Y/N's bedroom window, "At this hour? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Y/N casually flipped the page, "I just couldn't put it down. More importantly.." Y/N looked over at Kaikoku, "what are you doing up so late?"

"Heh~?" Kaikoku smirked. He made his way over to Y/N's bed and sat next to her, "It's cause I missed you."

"Really now? I'm finding that hard to believe. We just saw each other in the common room."

Kaikoku reached out towards Y/N and out a finger under her chin, "Whatever you say."

"Don't give me that. If you want something, just say it."

This time, Kaikoku reached for Y/N's hand and held it towards his lips, "I want you."  He whispered with a sly smile.

Y/N rolled her eyes, annoyed,  but couldn't help but grin, "You're so weird."

Kaikoku laughed and let go of Y/N's hand. "You know you still love me." He said as he inched closer to Y/N and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Still smiling, Y/N looked at him, "Shouldn't you get going? Or else Oshigiri will chew you out for leaving the room this late."

Kaikoku pulled back, "He'd definitely give me the time of day."

Y/N laughed and picked up her book once more, "You wouldn't want that now would you?"

Kaikoku cracked a grin. He hoisted himself up and made his way to the door, "Well, don't be up too late now."

"Don't worry, I won't." Y/N smiled at her boyfriend.

"Good night Y/N."

"Good night."

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥  。゚. ─────

Wow, probably the shortest thing I wrote in this entire book XD I'm impressed! I hope you guys enjoyed today's entry. I thought today's prompt was perfect for Kaikoku, since he seems to be the daring type when it comes to a relationship XDD

Thanks for reading!! Be sure to come back for tomorrow's entry!

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