Day 31: Picking Out Costumes || Zakuro x F!Reader

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Type of story: Flufftober entry (with reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: None
POV:  Zakuro's POV

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥ 。゚. ─────

"Hmm... should we do this one? Or maybe this one..?" Y/N thought out loud to her self as she rummaged through the closet.

Y/N and I were in the storage room, Y/N going through some old costumes in the closet, with me watching her searching the piles of clothes in vain. You see, today was Halloween and she insisted on dressing up together.

Now I normally don't really do much on Halloween. Sure as a kid I would dress up with my sister and all, but nowadays I usually just shrug it off like it's any other normal day. However, this year was a different case. Everyone else was all dressing up for the Halloween night, and Y/N was determined to find a costume for her and I to wear.

I tried to tell her that she shouldn't worry to much about it, but this seemed to be a really big deal to her.

"It'll be so cute if we match costumes together!" She kept insisting, "Besides, where's your Halloween spirit?"

If I'm being honest, my Halloween spirit was gone like an hour ago when we first started. But Y/N was looking forward to this, I couldn't spoil her fun.

I smile to myself and walk over next to her, "Alright, how can I help?"

Y/N beamed and the two of us proceeded to get to work. Piles of different costumes and clothes were all scattered in piles behind us. From pirate hats, to wizard capes. This closet seemed to have it all. I wondered what would that alpaca have so many costumes for?

After a few minutes of searching, Y/N suddenly let out a gasp and held up a pair costumes in front of me.

"These are the ones!!" She exclaimed in delight.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Ugh, jeez. What's taking V-Neck and Y/N so damn long?" Kudou complained, annoyed. He was dressed up in a wolf costume, crossing his arms impatiently.

"Well it can't be helped." Roromori mused, as she stirred the drink in front of her with her straw. She was dressed up as a witch, "They did say they were looking for a costume to wear for the night."

"They sure are taking their time.." Onigasaki noted. He was in a samurai costume, quite fitting for him.

"Well I'm sure they have a big special costume planned for the both of them to really surprise us!" An enthusiastic vampire Iride suggested.

Oh he's really getting more hyped than he should be.

As for where Y/N and I were, we were outside of the common room. Y/N trying to drag me into the room whilst I refused.

"Come on Zakuro!!" Y/N said to me, "You don't look that bad!!"

"I do look that bad!"

Eventually, Y/N ended up having to drag me inside against my own will.

"Oh! You guys are here!" Iride called, "Hey you guys-

Although Iride did never end up finishing his sentence. Everyone turned around to look at
Y/N and I, specifically whatever we were wearing

Ah, I guess now's a good time to tell you what we did end up dressing up as.

"Zakuro and I are s'mores and a campfire!"
Y/N announced proudly in her cute gram cracker and marshmallow outfit.

"Oh my gosh! That's so cute!!" Roromori squealed excitedly.

"That's actually pretty clever!" Iride noted, "You guys look great!"


While Y/N actually pulled off the look quite well, I however had feared of this. I stood there blushing in embarrassment in my orange shirt and cardboard logs stuck to me.

"Not bad Oshigiri," Kaikoku complimented, only I knew he was just being sarcastic, "It suits you!"

"J-Just shut up.." I manage to mutter, annoyed.

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥ 。゚. ─────

And there you have it! The final Flufftober entry for the month! Ending it off with a good old Zakuro x Reader XD I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Thank you so so so much for sticking around with fictionaltingz and I! This was honestly a lot of fun to do. Unfortunately this wasn't posted on Halloween day, nor were some chapters posted on their own designated days, but I still managed to get through them XD (thank you all for your patience! Midterms were a bit of a struggle XD)

Once again thank you all so much!! I hope you guys had a safe and wonderful Halloween if you celebrate. See you all soon!

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