Day 21: Kiss on the Hand || Kaikoku x F!Reader

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Type of story: Flufftober entry (with reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: None
POV: Reader POV

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥  。゚. ─────

"Okay everyone." Yuzu announced, "let's discuss our game plan."

And there we were. At the lobby of the 27th floor, in the middle of our game for the day. Today's stage was a survival style type game. Our objective was to survive the longest with an enemy that will be roaming the Tower, hunting us down. Much like our seventh stage "The 3 Curse Stealing Sisters" except we're fighting for more than just our eyeballs.

Yuzu was stationed at the front of our group. Gameplay had just begun and we were all coming up with our strategy.

"Its best if we were to split up." Onigasaki suggested beside me, "We'll cover more ground that way."

"Split up!?" Oshigiri repeated, clearly appalled, "We can't risk losing anyone!"

Yuzu put a finger to her chin, "While I do understand where Zakkun is coming from, Kai-san does have a point. By splitting up, it'll be much more efficient and our chances of surviving would look better with fewer numbers."

"But what happens when we encounter the enemy?" Oshigiri asked, "We'll be completely outnumbered if we fight alone!"

"That's why we would be travelling together in pairs." said Onigasaki, "With eight of us, four teams of two and one enemy, our enemy won't be able to take us all in one large group."

"So it's decided." Yuzu said, "Everyone, pick a partner, or form a group of three that consists of the people you wish to work with."

"Oh oh! Anya-kun! Himiko-chan! Let's be a team!" Iride said excitedly.

"Alright!" Himiko agreed, happily.

"Psh, we'll be the first group to die with a team like ours." Anya grumbled, "At least I can fight and Tiny Bean Sprout has her bombs. What can you even do Akatsuki?"

"Provide moral support!" Iride answered, holding up a cheery Punitsuki who looked just as happy as Iride did.


"A-Aikawa- err.. Makino-kun... do you.. what to team up?" Oshigiri asked Aikawa-san shyly, "Ah-! I-If you want to of course..." In response to this, Aikawa-san nodded in an agreement.

"I call dibs on Karirin~" Yuzu announced, tackling her into a big hug.

"W-Whoa hold on-!!" A red faced Karin intervened, "Did you just say dibs!??"

With everyone choosing there partners and groups, all that was left was me and Onigasaki. We both looked at one another, already accepting what fate looked like for us.

"Well, I guess that leaves that two of us." Onigasaki said, with his signature sinister smirk he always wears.

"I guess so." I reply. I was afraid of this. Onigasaki can be such a pain sometimes. Always trying to be cool and getting himself into trouble. Mostly I just ignore his usual childish schemes, but now I actually have to face them head on.

"Aww, you sound disappointed." Kaikoku pointed out, in a fake hurt voice, "What, you don't like me?"

"As if!" I shot him playful glare and turned away from him, crossing my arms. "Well anyway, I guess you'll just have to do. Since you're my only option."

Onigasaki laughed at this and took a hold of my wrist. I watched him as he got down on one knee and pressed his lips against the back of my hand, my breath taken away. Followed by a blush that spread across my confused face.

He lowered my hand and met eyes with me, wearing a teasing grin, "Don't worry, dear. I'll protect you."

"D-Dear!?" Those words he uttered sounding so strange as they escaped from my mouth, especially knowing who they were meant for, "W-What are you-

Before I could finish my sentence, Onigasaki flicked my nose, teasingly, for his own pleasure, "You have nothing to fret about. Now come on, let's get going. We've got a game to finish." Taking a hold of my hand once again, he started dragging me away from everyone else, who were clearly unaware of the situation since they were discussing their routes.

Blushing even harder, I call after that annoyingly cute idiot.

"H-Hey hold on a sec!!"

─────・ 。゚♥: *.♡ .* :♥  。゚. ─────

Hope you all enjoyed that! Reading the prompt for this day, I knew for sure I had to do a story with Kaikoku. We know he's definitely a flirt which was perfect for this prompt XDD

Once again, hope you enjoyed!!

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