Memories (Happy Birthday Karin Sarayashiki - July 26 2020 -)

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Type of story: Short story (no reader insert)
Written by: @rikkaxira4ever
Warnings: Some spoilers for those who haven't finished the manga
POV: 3rd person

It seemed to be an early, quiet summer morning at Genome Tower. The sun blazing over the horizon. There seemed to be no noise at all this crisp peaceful morning, well aside from the buzzing of the cicadas. Everyone was all fast asleep in their rooms. Well, all but one.

The rich crimson light of the morning sun shone through Karin's room window, awaking her from sleep. She rubbed her tired eyes and sat upright on her bed. She looked over at a nearby digital clock which bore today's date in the corner of the screen: "July 26th"

Karin sighed, "Another year huh.."

That's right, today's Karin's birthday. And oddly enough, one of the days she least looked forward to every year. Every birthday for Karin seemed to be a constant reminder that she's growing; and running out of time. With every year passing by, her adult years are nearing. Meaning the expectations from her parents will only seem to grow from here.

Studying, post education, career path, family... all these major deductions to consider.. I know for sure once I get home mom and dad will never let me hear the end of that..
Karin thought miserably.

Not only does Karin have the expectations of her parents to endure, but also the expectations of others to maintain and live up to as well. Teachers, peers, friends.. and soon to be work colleagues, managers, professors and even future spouse! And although she does what everyone tells her, it seems no matter how many compliments she'll get, they'll always end up not really meaning anything to her in the end.

Karin let out a sigh and pulled the covers off her.
Well, nothing I can really do about it now, I might as well get dressed..

She hastily made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. She faced the mirror as she took some strands of her hair and began to braid them.

"Oniichan! Do Karin's hair for her!!"

Her eyes slightly widened at the memory. She then stared at the mirror and her reflection grimly and continued with her hair.

Once she finished, she picked out her usual outfit to wear for the day, and put in on in silence.

"Karin, you should wear something pretty for your birthday! Oniichan would be happy!"

The grim expression she last wore appeared once again on Karin's face. She shook off the feeling and finished putting on her clothes.

Once she was dressed, she went over to her room window to open the curtains to let some sunlight in. There stood a spectacular view of the entire 13th District below her. She spotted the forest in which she first arrived in and met Iride for the first time and called him a pervert. The place where she met Kaikoku and Paca, who would shortly after bring them to the tower to meet everyone else and explain their task. The place where this whole mess began.

"Still feels strange how close we are to
100 000 000 views..." she thought out loud.

As she stared out her window, Karin's mind started to wonder and her thoughts instantly began to change into the bittersweet memories of her childhood.

"Oniichan!! Piggy-back ride!!"
"Ah Karin, you've gotten bigger huh?"

"Now now Karin, you make sure you behave or else the monsters will come for you!"
"Eh!! Oniichan! Stop it!! You're scaring me!!"

"Oniichan! Oniichan! What are you doing?"
"Looking at some internet cases studies.. I'm thinking of studying to become a detective one day and open my own buisness!"
"Oh!! That sounds so cool!!"
"What would you like to be when your all grown up Karin?"

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