Kakkoi! (Iride x F!Shy! Reader)

859 20 2

Type: Fluff
Warning: None
POV: Third-person
Written by: @fictionaltingz

A/N Thank you so much for requesting @kyrios_sole (also I'm super sorry that this is like, 20 days late please forgive me-) jasjhaskjfh anyways I don't know what this is I hope you enjoy regardless
"Ungh." A loud thud was heard on the carpeted floor. The lets players whipped their heads around simultaneously, searching for the source of the sound. There behind them laid Anya on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Iride, Himiko and (Y/N) rushed to his side to help him.

"He still has a pulse and is still breathing, so that's good," (Y/N) said, slowly letting go of her grasp on his wrist.

"Ahhhh, what a relief!" Himiko exclaimed, sighing.

"Any clue what happened to him?" Iride asked, scanning Anya over, checking for any physical indications to the situation he was in.

"I'm not too sure. He doesn't seem unconscious to me." (Y/N) said, looking Anya over.

"Sleepy," Makino murmured, peeking his head out from behind Yuzu.

"Is he asleep?" Iride asked.

"Probably is. Someone should take him to his room and let him rest for a bit." (Y/N) responded.

"I'll do that. You guys can go on ahead. We'll join you in a bit." Iride said, moving his arms in an attempt to carry him. The rest of the players walked off with a wave, leaving (Y/N), Iride and Anya behind. With some help, Iride was able to get Anya hoisted up onto his back. He and (Y/N) began walking off in the direction of Anya's room.

"That was so cool! You didn't even hesitate to help him! Where did you learn all that medical stuff? You were so amazing,  I completely forgot that you were shy!" Iride exclaimed happily.
"I-it's really nothing, just stuff I picked up." (Y/N) muttered quietly as she turned her head away and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a wild blush overtaking her face.

"It was really impressive!" Iride said, pushing open Anya's door and stepping inside, (Y/N) tailing behind him. (Y/N)'s face grew impossible redder, her eyes casting downwards. Iride placed Anya on his bed and turned around to face (Y/N), his eyes landing on her shrunken stature.

"Awwwww, no need to be shy around me! I'm your boyfriend!" Iride exclaimed, a warm smile taking over his face. (Y/N) ran towards him, and before she could register her actions, engulfed him in a hug and hid her face in her chest. Once she realized what she had done, she gasped slightly and wiggled awkwardly out of the embrace.

"I-i'm so-"

"No no -  it's alright, come here," Iride said, walking back towards her and embracing her softly.
A/N hhhhhHNNNNNNNNNGGG I'm sorry that was really short I hope y'all enjoyed it anyways. Thank you for requesting @kyrios_sole (If you weren't satisfied, just tell me and I'll rewrite it!)

(Also if anyone who has requested something and has gotten it yet is reading this, I'm really sorry! I haven't had much inspiration recently, but fear not, I will get them done asap.)

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