0.13 - Amigos

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"Turn to page 27," My math teacher said as he roamed around the silent room. Everyone grudgingly did what they were told, not going against his word. I copied everyone, barely able to keep awake from last night.

Thomas and I danced the night away, laughing and enjoying each other despite how I'm currently wearing a cast with my crutches just a few feet from me. The one thing I don't understand was that I don't have that wheelchair he gave me.

"Pssstt.." A kid behind me hissed. I turned my head to face him, obviously annoyed.


"You're Lillian Maxwell right?" He asked. I knew him. He had brown hair combed up on the top of his head, styled perfectly. He dressed really nicely for a high-schooler, always in a nice sweater over a collared shirt and maybe a tie.

"Yeah, and you're Xavier Oliva... Right?" I asked back.

He smiled kindly and nodded. "Yeah. My friend Austin and I wanted to know if you wanted to sit with us at lunch today. You don't really sit with anyone besides that one Senior.. What's his name?" He paused and thought about it for a moment. "Luke? Nick?"

"James," I corrected.

"Oh yeah. What's he like? Your sexy brother who you secretly bang after hours?"

I couldn't help but giggle at his inquiry. "No, just an old friend."

"You should go with what I said, it's way more captivating."

"Oh really?" I asked with a small giggle. He nodded and opened his mouth to speak, and

would have had it not been for my grouchy teach proctoring around the room.

"Yeah, we'll talk later. Sit with us at lunch?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Wait... US?!


Indeed there was an us. Xavier and Austin. I bit my lip and sat down across from them, gaining their attention. If they were dating, which I think they are, then they'd be the cutest couple I've ever seen.

Austin had her arm linked with Xavier's over the table as she nibbled on a thing of bread. She was the kind of girl you'd expect to be a popular. Her long golden blonde hair flowed gracefully over her shoulder in perfect beach waves, that my frizzy messy auburn hair would only dream of doing.

She had bright blue eyes, filled with something I couldn't name. That is, until the real popular girls came by.

"So desperate you can only get the queen of gays to sleep with you?" One said.

Another added, "I wouldn't be surprised if she was into girls either."

Austin rolled her eyes and that's when I saw it. It was like a little mini flame in her eyes ignited and she turned her head to face them. "Oh go fuck yourselves somewhere else. The tables near the garbage cans are empty. Why don't you little pieces of white trash go huddle over there for a while. Keep each other warm."

Boom! There it is! You know what she is? Sassy. The word that describes Gerard Way, The singer of My Chemical Romance. He is a sassy bitch that doesn't take any shit and will smash your face for six bucks and a Doctor Pepper.

Not only could I see this Blondie in front of me doing that, but her side kick over here would be right behind her supporting it all from the very beginning.

"That was beautiful Austin, good for you. Stand up and take control!"

"I saw that on an ad once," I piped up, drawing the attention towards me. "It was for this device called a SheWee where it could help girls pee while standing up. And on the little side area was the slogan, 'Stand up and take control!'"

Austin grinned and nodded. "I'm going to start saying that to myself when I'm in the shower."

We all laughed and continued to talk. Soon, James and Ryder both came over to sit with us.

"Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" Ryder said with a grin. "This is the fucking breakfast club right here! We've got the brains," he gestured towards Xavier who gave us an Oscar winning smile as he sexily pushed up his black rimmed nerd glasses.

"The athlete," Ryder looked towards James who followed suit and flexed his arms for all of us to see.

"The basket case," he then grinned towards me. I rolled my eyes and grinned, telling him to go on before I clock him one.

"The Princess," he gestured towards Austin with that same cocky grin, and she just stuck her tongue out at him and gave him the middle finger. We all laughed and he finally pointed to himself and said, "And the criminal."

"I'm not a basket case," I defended and smirked at him.

"No offense Lilly," Ryder said, "but you're pretty nutty in there. You're like coco for coco puffs except with out all the chocolaty goodness."

I giggled and we all laughed once more before Xavier shut everyone up.

"We need to have a convention. Like they did in the library. We'll all meet up at the local library and share our deepest, darkest secrets."

"Hell no," James said automatically. "Why the fuck would I do that?"

I hit his chest and smirked. "Why? Have something to hide?" I asked and bit my lip. I knew what I would say. I would spill the one secret I had and I knew from the looks of Xavier's face, he had a few good ones to spill as well.

"No it just seems stupid. Why copy the movie?" He asked. Austin nodded and jabbed her thumb in James' direction.

"Pretty boy's got a point. Why not go to a pizzeria or something?"

Ryder nodded a bit and Xavier shrugged. "Okay," they said in sync. We sighed right before Ryder did the jinx call on the table, making Xavier roll his eyes with a smirk and Austin and I giggled.

"Then it's settled," I announced in a strong and proud voice. "This Friday we will all meet up after school and go to Gino's Pizzeria. Everyone say 'Aye' if you're in."

A string of 'Aye's' filled our table and we all grinned. I finished it off and say, "Aye," myself, before we all went back to eating and joking with each other.

Why hasn't I been friends with these guys before? Was I just that non approachable? Whatever it was, I shouldn't dwell on the past. All I know now, is that we have a dope squad and we're going to rule the school.

Okay, maybe not that far.

But we get pizza!


Really shitty ending wow XD but THERE YOU GO I UPDATED GOD DAMMIT I HOPE YOURE ALL VERY HAPPY cause I actually do like this chapter 😋

QOTC: Who in the Breakfast club would you be?
AOTC: I don't know tbh XD if you know me you should comment what you would be and another comment on who I should be.

Thanks for reading!!!!
Don't forget to...


~ Mercay

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