. Authors Note .

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So there you have it. Incoherent it's over.

I honestly can't even begin to explain how much this means to me. I know I don't have a lot of people who stayed with this book until the end, but for those of you who did, you have no idea how happy that makes me.

Incoherent was an honest to God shit show, has so many plot holes, spelling and grammar errors, and was rushed and has parts I shouldn't have added.

But all in all, I'm happy.

Despite all it's flaws and parts that make me cringe, I love this story with all of my heart.

I hope everyone's happy with the ending, and there MIGHT be some unanswered questions, but one thing I can say with 100% certainty, is that I adore the beginning and the end.

They're both just how I had planning them and it makes me thrilled knowing that it's now all complete.

So thank you again to everyone who made it this far and everyone who stuck with this book till the very end. You guys are rock stars and I love every single one of you.

I'm not sure if I'm gonna make a sequel or an epilogue or any of that, because I really do like the ending and how some things aren't full answered. But at the same time I want to reveal the secrets within the book.

What was real and what wasn't real.

Because if Lillian was only supposed to see Thomas in her dreams, then why is he in her class?

Do you guys think it's real?

I really really want to explain it all but there's no fun in that! So I'm gonna leave on this short note, and let this be my final one chapter to this story.

I love all of you guys so so much.

- Mercay

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