. Acknowledgements .

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I want to give a few thanks.

Thank you to Xavier Oliva, Austin Heckert, and Kaylea Ross. You guys were my first readers and I never had better cheerleaders than you.

Thank you Amy Burnett. You're the only person who's literally made it to the end even through the hiatus and the fact that this story has gone on for over three years. You're a real trooper and I want to say thank you for sticking with this story that long.

Thank you Sofia Feliciano. Not only are you the best sister ever, but you always listen to my rants about my book and help with my ideas.

Thank you to all my readers who stuck by when I had a hiatus and all my readers who got so invested with my story. It truly means the world to me.

And finally, thank you Amanda Thorp. This idea was yours. I remember sitting in art class with you coming up with these obscure story ideas and thus Incoherent was born. You were such an amazing friend and I valued every moment I had with you. You're a mystery yourself, just like Thomas. I want to say thank you for being my friend, and although I don't think you've ever read this story, I just want to tell you that we did it.

Lots of love,


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