0.04 - Questions

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I followed Thomas up to my room. Once we got there I quickly closed the door and pointed to the window with a frown. "Now leave. I fed your cat now-"



"Her name is Cordelia." He said as if didn't know. "And I'm leaving her with you so try calling her by her name. If not she'll never like you. No nicknames." He said. I frowned at him when he set the fluffy white cat on my bed.

"My brothers are allergic," I lied. "She can't stay."

He rolled his eyes and the cat nuzzled against him. "No they're not."

How the hell does he know that? I give up and groaned. I sat in my black chair and crossed my arms as I watched him open my window. "I'll come back and check on her alright?" He asked with a smile.

"She'll miss you that's for sure," I muttered as Cordelia mewls softly and nuzzles against Thomas' pant leg.

"All the girls do," he said with a smile and natural charm. He was absolutely mesmerizing in the moonlight...

"Yeah. Whatever." I grunted. I watched as he undid the hook on my window and slipped out. He practically flew down, like Peter Pan, and I ran over to make sure he didn't fall. Only to my surprise, there was nothing there. He was gone and the latter that was here before was neatly back against the shed. I frowned and rubbed my eyes. Where could he have gone so quickly?

I sighed and shook my head as I turned back to my bed. Cordelia seemed to have gone as well. Oh well. Stupid cat. Cats are kinda like that bad guy in Zero Wing, am I right?

I walked back over to my bed and climbed into the covers, checking the clock and shutting it off once I see that Thomas had only need here for about 30 minutes. Not long at all! I get to try and sleep!

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, and for the first time in forever, I fell asleep right away.


Morning came quicker then it should have. After last night, I closed my eyes and it felt like only minutes before I was waking up again. Which, in fact, wasn't pleasant.

I couldn't find Cordelia anywhere throughout my morning. I probably looked like a lunatic to my family. I was hunched over, my chest against my knees as I walked and called out: "Here kitty, kitty, kitty.. C'mere Cordelia..." I said, mimicking Thomas. But she never came.

That is, until I walked out side.

There she was, sitting at the porch steps. The little white fluffy cat gazed up at me and meowed. "How'd you get out here..?" I asked, picking her up and holding her in my arms. She nuzzled close to me as I carried her and put her in my room. After giving her some essential needs of cats, I was off.

How did she get outside? There weren't any doors and nooks leading out were there? I wasn't lying completely when I said my brothers were allergic to cats. But, it's my mum who is allergic. The slightest hair from any animal, she'll start sneezing and wheezing. It's absolutely horrendous.

Well, enough of that. I guess the school awaits my awesome presence. Awesome. Awesome, for all of you un-awesome people who don't know what it is; awesome is an adjective used to describe a person who surpasses all human expectations, whose genius blinds all those around, who sets the supreme standards for humans to strive for, who is an Ideology all by himself. Or herself.

Basically, I'm awesome.


Ugh that has to be the worst chapter so far 😒 I kinda want this to be strictly a filler but I dunno. I mean it finished up Thomas and THIS BEAUTIFUL CAT OVER THERE YEAH THATS DELLY AINT SHE CUUUTTTEEE!!! 😍😍

Haha okay, okay, she's pretty awesome. Anyways, again sorry for typos, this is all unedited.


~ Mercay

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