Chapter 28- Hell With It

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Here's the thing about having a job at the same set as your dad. He knows every little thing about what you do, when you do, and where you do it. Nothing bad, just annoying. Even when we were home all the time he still didn't know what I was doing.

At one point I was able to make an opinion about a part my dad was in, and ended up getting the Russo's to agree and which my dad basically stared me down.

Love that, would have never expected them to actually listen to me. Mostly because I am actually just a runner to get people stuff, and to take notes for them as well. If asked then to tell them my opinion. The thing is that I just assumed I wasn't gonna be important, but I like that I could just study everyone's body language absentmindedly writing it down and when they ask to show them my notes they end up using it.

I also got told I could be a shrink. I'm not really exactly sure why they would say that, but I'm taking it as a compliment. Also pretty sure I will not be good at dealing with emotions or personas, which if I ever meet anyone with a god complex I will punch them I really don't care.

I don't know where that came from, but whatever it's fine. My thoughts change about everything constantly, so for now I just deal with my mind constantly in different places but also focused on certain things as well.

Anyway other than me being in the same environment as my dad, seeing everything has made me think about everything about my life. I have come to the conclusion to not be in the film industry, mostly because everything seems so stressful. Sure there are some parts that seem better than others, but overall I rather not. I rather deal with something else that will be stressful but also will be helpful.

Actually you know what I can't actually say no yet, I mean the industry does seem like a future workplace, I'm just not sure at all. I don't know what i'm supposed to do. I know in the end I will make the right choice, hopefully. I mean everyone has a purpose right. I just have to make sure that I'm finding my right purpose. I know I'm here for something, I just don't know what.

Is it to be a pond in my fathers life? Or will I seize on life, and do good. That's what I wanna find out, and for now we just take it one step at a time. By thinking clearly and focusing on making sure that I'm making the right moves.

Hey, but at this point going with the flow has led me to believe that no matter what decision I make there will be an action later that will wreck the decision. Right, so now that I will be just doing whatever feels right, no more thinking about it, just go with what feels right. Honestly I did not think my train of thought would have taken me that far, but it has so now I deal with over thinking, even if I had just thought that I would not over think anymore.

Anyway it's another day, and let me tell you it's certainly interesting. I was on break, and I was chilling. I sat down at the tables, and was just eating an apple. Then I got a call from Paddy.

"Hey whats up?"

"I'm just bored."

"You miss talking to me everyday?"

"Yeah, but anyway. What are you doing?"

"Eating an apple, and doing nothing, I'm just chilling."

"Good to know, kay my lovely girlfriend I know I just called but my mum is telling me to get off the phone, and to get to bed. So goodnight."

"Goodnight, have a good sleep, to my lovely boyfriend."

I hung up after that, and then heard someone clear their throat. I turned my head to find Ana and my father standing behind me.

"So tell me about this boyfriend of yours."

"Please don't."

"Wow father.  His name is Paddy, and he lives in London."

"Wow, that stretches from just living across the country."

"Yeah- Ya know we don't talk about that, but ya know I think its cool, I mean it's not like anything important is going down right now, and plus it's basically I don't know I just know im happy, and he is cool, so ya know classic teenage romance."

"I still don't agree with it."

"I know you don't, from your very passive aggressive first statement, but it's my life, and I'll decide for the most part how I mess that up, or make it better. I mean it's not that bad."

"Why doesn't he agree, he was fine with it last time, all he said was that you have a lot of uncles."

"Probably because he's biased, and has never met paddy fully, so yeah."

"One day im sure he will be able to give him the good old boyfriend talk about how if he breaks your heart he'll break his arm or something, i'm not sure of the threat."

"See here's the thing, last time she legit didn't care about the break up, she didn't cry, she didn't make any fuss, she was like it was his loss. Now forgive me if i'm wrong, but aren't there stages of breaking up with someone that you apparently loved for a year?"

"Okay I wasn't heart broken, we had been away from each other for a while, and he started getting distant, he wanted to break up, he cut the wire, I didn't exactly want to but I wasn't gonna cry over the fact that he was moving on with his life, and I did the same. I'm barely 16 imma be 17, all my heart breaks are for the future, for now I just enjoy the people I'm with. And I'm hoping Paddy isn't gonna break it off just because he can't handle the distance, which I totally get, but then again he started this. Also it was his loss, i'm just saying. "

"That wasn't what I was expecting for when we decided to sneak up on you, but Chris, seriously I say just talk about it later, also I want lunch, so are we eating or?"

Then we all ate lunch, me ignoring my father and talking to Ana, which was basically her asking questions, me answering and then me asking questions and her answering. My dad threw in a side comment here and there.

See home environment is different from work environment, I think it would be good if I removed myself from the work environment. I'll just go back to seeing Scott everyday like I did for those first week. It's only been 2 weeks here at the internship. I think it's been good, but I don't think spending more time with my dad is a work environment. Not that I don't like it, but honestly I still don't think it's exactly for me. It's great on an application tho, i'm just not sure.

I'll talk to the Russo's after the day is over, let's see what happens. Then again it's also fun being on set, I'm just confused with everything. Imma let the day finish. Then Uncle Scott texted me.

Uncle Superior:

I wanna take you out tomorrow for lunch or something


Cool I was planning on not going to the internship.

Uncle Superior:

Is it even a paid one?


Nah it's more like it's good for my college application.

Uncle Superior:

Okay well tomorrow you're stuck with me.


Yeah okay cool, that's great, i'll see you tomorrow uncle superior.

When the day finally finished I talked to the Russo's and they saw my reasoning, and it's fine. I talked to my dad and he was fine with it. I also told him about Uncle Scott's plan for tomorrow. So yeah, plus me not doing this internship is good because I need to focus on school anyway. Junior year is about to finish and I'm trying to end it off on a high note even if it is a little tricky. 

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