Chapter 36- Bullshit

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(TW: self harm, rape mentions)


Recently on twitter, a video showcasing a horrible crime got leaked about Hope Evans, daughter of the star Chris Evans.

With the video reaching 100k views, and many repost of it, and the hashtag #hopeevansareyouokay trending in number 1.

Now we have gotten an article before where we interviewed with her abuser, giving us very little information about the sexual assault, but with the video it is confirmed that he is Charles Thomas.

That same Charles Thomas that was reported beat to death on the courtyard grounds of that prison he was located at. Serving only 2 out of his 9 years. Arrested for the same crime from the video.

His last words being Princess, due to the information we have from the aunt and the video, there is speculation that the trigger word that was talked about, is the word Princess.

Out of all of these videos have been taken down, but with so many out there, anyone can still see it. Our deepest condolences go to the Evans Family.

Article: Captain America Star Chris Evans and his Daughters horrid past 2019, July 22nd

Article: Chris Evans Gen Z Project, ASP

"I probably should have taken away the laptop."

"No shit." I didn't know how to react. I didn't know whether I should freak out and cry, or go on with my day.

That fucking word, I just I cant see that word the same anymore, and I havent heard it for a while now. We avoid saying it, and whenever we watch a disney movie like Cinderella or anything I just leave at the part I know they say it.

"It shouldn't even have an affect on me."

"What exactly did you see?"

"I read the article."

"Oh- okay that's better than seeing it on twitter."

"I'm assuming you got the luxury of seeing your daughter get raped on camera, well that's freaking amazing."

"Is there ever a time you're not sarcastic?"

"No. I wanna cry but I also don't want it to get the best of me, and I'm already freaking out. My chest feels really tight and i'm also nauseous and i think I may throw up."

As I said that I gagged and ran to the bathroom before I got the chance to throw up in the room. Well this is just lovely, fucking sucks.

The taste in my mouth wouldn't leave, I got reminded of that taste. Ended up just feeling disgusted with myself. My dad entered the bathroom.

"Can you just give me a minute please?"

He just nodded and got out.


Hope curled into a ball in the corner of the bathroom, as her father was pacing back and forth in the room not knowing how to confort Hope.

The fact of how clueless he was of what to do is what frustrated him. The fact that she didnt know what to feel is what made her cry.

Not knowing what to do in a sitation is all it takes to make a bad decision. Hope didnt know what she was doing but at the same time she knew exactly.

She knew that the reaction would be bad, she knew what she was doing was wrong. Yet she chose to do it. She chose to break a razor and slid the blade across her forearm. Her breathe hitched, knowing that her dad will find out, because he always does.

She watched as the blood dripped, running from her arm fallin onto the ground. The little pile growing has she cut a 2nd time, and 3rd, and 4th, she stopped at 6.

She grabbed some toilet paper, soaked the blood from floor. Threw it away in the trash, she ran hot water on her arms, knowing that hot water makes it sting more.

The tears never stopped but the sounds did, she was numb, yet the tears never stopped. She grabbed the first aid her dad had bought because of the nails incident, and wiped her cuts with alcohal. She took the bandages and tape, and she wrapped the gauze around the cuts tightly and taped it to stay.

She took some toilet paper and wet it an wiped whatever blood on the floor was left. She was unfortunally wearing a short sleeve, so when she walks out of that bathroom her dad will know.

She took a deep breath, threw away the blade, knowing it wont make a difference if it was hidden or not. She took deep breaths, they were shaky.

She hid her arm behind her back, and walked out and went straight toward her clothing. She put on a hoodie and sat down on the couch bed.


"What am I supposed to do? Everyone knew before and now they have a video. A video that shows one of the most awful events of my life, it was my thing to share even if i was never gonna share it."

"What did you do?"

"I think we both know what I did."

"I dont wanna assume."

"I cut myself dad, what the fuck else would I have done? This whole thing is bull shit."

Her tone, she wasnt mad at her dad she was mad that she didnt deal with it in another manner. She ignored her fathers words, in through one ear, out of the other.

She walked out of the room, and went to the elevator. Her dad not fully processing what was happening was to late to catch up to her.

The elevator door closed, by the time he got down to the lobby and outside the hotel doors there was so sign of Hope.

Hope on the other hand was walking through the people, trying not to draw attention to herself. The sun barley going down, but it wasnt dark ar all.

She walked and kept walking not knowing where she was going or where she wanted to go. She just had to clear her head.

She knew whoever posted the video must of have it, and not many people knew about it, and whoever has had wouldnt have done anything like that.

Meanwhile Chris had been driving around LA, he called Scott checking to see if she went with him. She wasnt but now Scott was on the look out. They couldnt find her.

She had no phone, no money, just the clothes on her back and her confusion. She knows that walking around La might not have been one of the safest things, but she also knew she couldnt be in a room for any longer.

A car pulled in front of her, and she saw a familiar face.

"Do you need a ride?"

"I don't like this, but yeah because I have no idea where I am, and have no phone."

He opened the car door from inside, and Hope went in and shut the door.

"This is a bad idea."

"You'll be fine."

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