Chapter 69- Finals

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Mike had basically stayed over the weekend. He even took me to the airport, and told me he would see me on Tuesday, because he was picking me up. He also said that I will be getting updates on him and his family drama.

I told my dad when I was getting on the plane, and he told me to call him when I land and I'm with Paddy and his brothers. Apparently I was getting picked up by Sam and Paddy. I got there by 7 pm, and was met by my boyfriend.

I hugged him, and said hi to Sam. Last time I saw him I wasn't allowed to talk to him because apparently I would learn too much. I don't know. Paddy went in the back seat with me. Apparently Paddy got his own room, because it was a room for Tom's parents, and then the twins, and then Paddy.

Paddy's room has two beds. I was going to be staying the night, I remember because Tom had said that I should stay with them to get ready and everything. I would see my dad once, and that's after the premiere tomorrow. I don't know how that's going to work.

And no you dirty minded people I did not have sex with my boyfriend. I just made out with him, that is until Tom walked in, at like 10, and then we stopped immediately. But I however did not have enough time to get off my boyfriend's lap.

"Sorry, I was just coming over here to let you know everything that is going on." He turned around facing the wall.

Imagine me awkwardly getting off of him, and going to the other bed, meanwhile Tom was talking.

"You guys have your outfits right?"


Then he gave us a rundown, and we just stayed nodding our heads. Then he walked out, and then Paddy locked the door with the latch too. Then now you can assume. I will neither confirm or deny my doings after eleven pm.

_____The next day______

We had been told to take showers when we woke up, that way we would be dried off by the time we had to get ready. So I showered first, and then Paddy went in after me.

After we went down for breakfast, I greeted everyone again. At one point I leaned over to Paddy. "Ya know what I like about Tom?"


"His girlfriend."

He just looked at me in shock, but with a smile. He had to hold back his laugh. Then as the day went on we had to begin getting ready. Where I had to start on make up meanwhile fucking Paddy just watched.

I did a black and red shadow, and then a red eyeliner. Paddy found it amusing when I took very much time with the eyeliner. Then he started getting ready, legit just getting dressed right in front of me. I looked at him weird.

"We've legit have had sex, you can see me in my underwear."

"I don't care, I'm just saying if anyone walks in."

"Love, I locked it with the latch again."

I just went back to what I was doing. When I finished my makeup, everything except my lip, I put on my dress. Which Paddy helped me zip. He looked at me up and down afterwards.

"Love you look incredible."

"Thank you."

He kissed me before going to get his tie. "Paddle, can I tie your tie?"


I helped fix his tie, and then he put his jacket over it. I finished doing my lip, and then looked Paddy in the eyes.

"You can no longer kiss me tonight."

He just rolled his eyes at me, and then he unlocked the latch that's when someone knocked. It was Tom. "You guys done? We have to go."

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