Chapter 50- Goodbyes & Hello Again

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The time has come, to where I had to leave. When I woke up, I saw the very beautiful face of Paddy Holland. Tom had said we were sleeping over, and we were allowed to sleep on the same bed with the condition we left the door open. Which was no problem. We kinda made it like a sleep over, as if we made a fort. And by we, I mean me, this boy would not stop bitching that it kept falling.

And I quote, "THESE BLOODY THINGS WON'T STAY UP" It was funny the amazement in his eyes, when I introduced tape, and taped the blanket to his chair. Then started mocking him, and his British accent. Then this hoe, literally jumped on our ceiling of the fort, and completely missed the bed, and the worst part is, he did like a diving jump, and legit landed on his head. This dumbass.

Anyway we woke up to the amazing sound of an alarm. Paddy would not let me leave, until I peeled his arms off of me. I put on my shoes, and brushed out my hair, and then brushed my teeth. After that I put the final items into the bags. Paddy was also getting ready.

Before we left his room, to go put everything in the car with Tom, he gave me another hoodie. Yay. I love that. I already had the other hoodie he threw at my face. Now I just got another one. In return I left one of my hoodies I had taken, because funny enough we were around the same size. Which was amazing.

After that we went to the living room to find Tom standing by the door. I had said bye to the Holland family last night, so we were chilling. We didn't want to wake them up early. We had already had my suitcase in the back, the only thing that i had was my carry on. This time I decided to be a simp, and sat in the back with Paddle.

It was kinda emotional, with the whole I wont see my boyfriend, until I don't know when. So Tom took him too, when we went to the airport. So my dad and Tom had an agreement that we would meet at the entrance of the airport.

So Tom parked and we walked to the front, where we saw the very infamous Chris Evans. Tom said bye to me and hugged me, and then left telling us that he would give us a minute before we got too close to my dad, which we knew he saw us, so Tom went to distract him.

"Well, I love the time we have spent together, but the time has come, where we go back to facetime and figuring out time differences."

"Good thing is we go back five hour difference instead of eight."

"Oh thank god. Well bye love."

"Bye paddle."

We kissed one last time, and then hugged.

"Hey also paddle, maybe don't get yourself killed, or tell me all your ideas before proceeding to go on with them."

"Hey it was one time."

"The one time you could have snapped your neck."

"I'm alive aren't I?"


"I would've been fine. No burning down buildings without me."

"I'll try."

We just laughed it off, ya know it seemed like a moment where you would say something important, like those three words.

"Hey paddle, keep in mind, I do unfortunately love you, it's sad to admit."

"I fortunately love you too."

"Okay okay, good, because it was about to get awkward if you didn't."

We just both stood there like idiots smiling, and then both of our brains clicked, and we started walking toward my dad.

Paddy and my dad shook hands and everything. Pretty sure they had met before, I mean quickly, but they met each other. I gave a last hug to Tom and Paddle, and we walked in. I hugged my dad of course, I mean I haven't seen him in person for two weeks. At least we would have things to talk about on the plane.

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