Chapter 53- Fireworks day

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So today, the fourth of July, which means I did something funny. So totally didn't print like 50 photos of both Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers as Captain America.

So when me and my dad went to Walgreens to pick up some vitamins, and melatonin gummies, I totally didn't go pick up my photos really quickly.

Then when yesterday ended, waited until he fell asleep, and then started sticking photos onto the walls. Captain America was all over the house, and it seemed fitting.

When I finished with the photos, I went to bed, but still decided to wake up early enough to still set up something else I wanted to do.

So I may have taped a balloon that had shaving cream in it, and put it at my dad's doorway. Then put a nerf gun with a thumbtack bullet ready to aim it to the balloon.

Look I have a good shot, I won't hurt him. So when he walked out and woke up, shot the balloon and the shaving cream landed on him.

He looked confused bc as soon as I shot, I made sure to hide a bit, so he won't see me, but I could see him.

Yeah I made sure to clean that up, when my dad went to go shower. It was worth it though, I got a video out of it that I will forever have as a memory.

Then when my dad came out officially, he saw all the photos.

"Funny. Is that why I couldn't find you at Walgreens?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Anyway, we have some fireworks for tonight and we're going to Carly's. Be ready by 4."

"Got it."

He started taking off the photos and I helped him. I also took back all the photos and put it in my drawer of random shit.

I went to shower, and I legit took out my captain america shirt, BECAUSE IT SUITS THE OCCASION.

When it hit four, we literally just drove to the house. Then I came to find out I was matching with Ethan and Miles. Not what I planned but makes for good photos. We did the typical American family thing and barbecued outside.

I truly did not want to be there after like two hours. Ya know what I realized as nice as Aunt Carly is, ella es una chismosa, she's legit that aunt that you like at certain times and then at others she just wants to know everything.

She kept asking me about Paddy, legit stopped once my dad got back. She's great, but asks a lot of questions. Then again I don't talk, so I think I would know why. When I do talk it's my wonderful charm. I'm the anti-social cousin, it's fine though I think they all got used to it.

I talk when I have to, I'm not just rude, let's get that clear. I'm the one who sits at the adult table just listening to them talk without any input, and it's fine. I just know a lot of things from everyone's life. I am also a chismosa, and I admit to it. I just listen though, I don't pry.

When it was finally time, we saw fireworks from a far view, and we also had some of our own. Of course legal. I got to light one up, and it almost went terribly wrong. Totally didn't think that I didn't light it but then I did, and was about to be in the way.

Luckily I wasn't because I realized and then ran away. My dad just watched me as he was pinching the bridge of his nose, and shaking his head. My cousins started laughing at me, and I wish I could flip off family, in a loving way of course.

I don't know how I didn't realize, seeing that it would be bright. When we finished we picked up, like the good people we are. We stayed until midnight, and when we got home I said goodnight and left to my room to watch tv until like 2 am.

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