Chapter 45- Prison

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🔵Chris Pov🔵

So it's been about a week since I told Hope the news, and she hasn't talked to me since normally. She basically ignores me unless we’re eating or I'm ordering something, she tells me what she wants. Also something about this kid, she doesn't like to be too i don't know how to put it, but petty. She's mad at me, but every morning and night she does say good morning and at night she says good night love you dad.

I'm surprised, because I would have thought she would just not acknowledge me until I offered her food. She has been on her phone a lot though, and i'm assuming she's just been texting paddy. Which I'm okay with because at least I know she has someone to talk to.

I messed up big time. I truly fucking regret what I said to her, and I know she has been through a lot. I don't know why but at that moment. Currently in the middle of the night, I was having trouble sleeping, thinking about the whole situation. Then I heard some slight talking.

All of a sudden Hope just shot up, and just immediately started crying. Except she wasn't sobbing or being loud, she was trying to quiet down her cries, holding it back. When I got up a bit, she just wiped her tears, and plastered a fake smile.

“Sorry dad, didn't mean to wake you.”

The pain in her eyes. I got up and went over to her. She just sat there, seeming numb.

I just gave her a side hug, and she leaned into it.

“You know you can cry with me, just let it all out.”

She then fully turned to where her face was just in my chest, and she started crying. I've been through this with her before, and we can do it again, as many times as she needs until she feels safe.

The pain in her cries, I felt like I couldn't do anything to help. Sometimes it feels like too common of a feeling. I just let her cry, but usually when she stops she goes to bed, this time she didn't. She sat there, quietly, staring off. Around her eyes were puffy, as her eyes were red, the tear streams visible. Her sniffling. I didn't want to break the silence, but I knew I had to talk to her.

“You wanna talk about it?”

She just shrugged, she was staring off to the wall.

“Hope. What happened the night your dad got home early?”

“Why do you care? Didn't you say you didn't want to worry about me?”

“I didn't mean it. You know I didn't mean it.”

“It sounded like you did.”

“Hope what happened to your dads?”

She stayed soundless, just the sound of breathing and sniffles. We stayed like that for a while until she started talking again.

“He called me pri-”

“Don't finish the word, I know you don't like saying it anymore. What else did he do?”

“He said that he kept tabs on me, and that he knew certain things. Makes sense why he would have the video.”

“Look, we don't have much time in LA anymore, it's the end of May, it's about to be June, and then we leave for London. So if we're gonna do something, then we have to do it now.”

“I wanna talk to my Tia.”


“I know for a fact that my tia probably doesn't like my father, so i wanna talk to her.”

“Hope. Are you sure that's a good idea?”

“If anyone in this world has anything on my dad, it's her.”

Adopted By The Wrong Number: Part 4: Chris Evans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now