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"Hay, Lay." JJ spoke as he handed her a wine cooler, the pair sitting infront of the empty church, "Thanks for taking my side."
After the incident on the road, JJ went to Berry's house and tried to rob him of his money. With the rest of their friends group going against him, Layla took JJs side and they left together. Layla took the wine cooler with a small grin, "Always."
"What are you drawing?" he asked her with a nod toward the drawing she'd been sketching at for a while now.
"That punks face, incase I see him ever again." Layla said, showing him the drawing. She'd gotten half of Berrys face drown now, "Ive for short term memory lose."
"So..." he trailed off a moment, "Whats up with you and Cameron?"
"Rafe?" Layla frowned her eyebrows.
JJ snorted as he popped open the can, "Sarah."
Layla shrugged, "We're friends."
"Yeah? and the whole meeting in the bathroom at Toppers party?" JJ went on as Layla gave him a look of disbelief, "You may be able to pretend it didn't happen but my third eye knows."
"You have no third eye." Layla said with a half grin, "She's straight."
"Dude, no she is not." JJ laughed at her, "Aren't you suppose to have that gaydar thing?"
"You really want me to answer that?" Layla questioned with a raise of her eyebrows.
"I'm just saying." the blonde boy spoke as he leaned on the steps, "I feel the energy."
Layla rolled her eyes and continued her sketching. JJ let the silence pass a moment before he huffed and stood to his feet, "All right, I gotta head over to the ol' man."
"Want me to come with you?" Layla asked with a hopeful look.
"No, it's better if it's just me." JJ said, giving her two twenties, "For picking me."
Layla took the money with a grin, "See you?"
"See you." he answered with a wink, turning his hat around and heading off.
"Where's Sarah?" Layla asked as she met Kie and Pope infront of John B's Chateau.
"Did we say she'd be with us?" Pope asked confused.
"No- No, I just figured-" Layla began, seeing the odd looks Kie was giving her, "Never mind, she's probably inside with John B."
"Obviously, he is her boyfriend." Kie spoke confused as Layla waved her off, popping her tank strap as the pair headed toward the back.
"What the hell?" Pope asked confused as the bright light from the back illuminated nearly the whole house. Layla walked first as she headed to the back, a grin forming on her face at the sight.