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"Layla! Layla!" it was JJ Layla heard first

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"Layla! Layla!" it was JJ Layla heard first. She called about a hour ago to inform the Pogues she'd been alive at at the hospital a few islands over. She didn't get a answer, just a dead line.

"JJ!" Layla said as she got out of bed, ripping her IV out as the nurse tried to hold her still. Layla charged into the hallway, meeting the blonde as he hugged her tightly. Kie and Pope weren't far behind.

"Oh my god, you're alive." Kie said in disbelief as she hurried over and threw her arms around Layla, "We thought we lost you in the storm."

"I don't know how I survived that." Layla shook her head as she hugged her, letting go to move onto Pope, "Is everyone okay? Did John B make it out of the storm? Did you find Sarah?"

The trio shared a look, their eyes fresh of tears as Layla looked at the three, "What?"

"They rode out into the storm." JJ said with a clear of his throat, looking away, "They said they lost them."

"Lost them how? Like they escaped?" Layla asked frantically. The three didn't say anything, "Will someone tell me what's going on so I can know? Please? Where are they?"

"It was a tropical depression. The phantom didn't make it, they found it empty." Pope said as Layla stared at them, "John B and Sarah-"

"They're dead?" Layla asked in disbelief as her chest tightened, eyes watery, "Really?"

"Yeah." Kie said as she looked away with watery eyes, "We thought you were too."

Layla looked away as her eyes glossed and she shook her head. She turned around as tears rolled down her face, "But it's not- how is it fair?"

"It's not." Pope said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, "I'm sorry, Layla."

Layla began to sob in the middle of the hallway as the trio wrapped their arms around her tightly, holding her gently as she cried. Nurses watched in worry, Henry was signing the papers for her as he looked over. Layla turned and wrapped her arms around Kie, crying harder as the three attempted to comfort her.

"We should get her home." JJ spoke up.

"I can't go home." Layla cried as she pulled away with a frantic look, "My dad will send me away again. I can't do it, not after this."

Kie held pain in her eyes, "You're not coming?"

"Just a few months, just until I can figure something out." Layla shook her head as she ran a hand through her hair, lip trembling, "Jesus fuck."

"You can't stay here, where will you go?" Pope asked her with a shake of his head.

"There's a reason I survived that. No one should be able to but I did. There's a reason I ended up here on this island. I know it's my mom trying to tell me something." Layla spoke fast as the three stared at her, "I can't explain why but I know."

"Layla, you're in shock- and- and-" JJ stumbled over his words.

"Layla." Henry said as he approached her, "You lost your mother?"

"She killed herself a few years ago." Layla nodded as she whipped her eyes, "We came here once when I was young, she-"

"Brought you to the aquarium and then to a friend of hers house." he stopped her as he stared, running a stressful hand through his hair.

"Okay, that's creepy." JJ shook his head, "Let's get out of here."

"How do you know that?" Layla asked as she grabbed the mans arm, "Henry?"

"Do you know this guy?" Pope questioned.

"He gave me CPR when I washed up." Layla said back, "I would be dead without him. How do you know what happened with my mom and I?"

"I wasn't suppose to go to the beach today. I didn't plan on it until I felt like I should this morning." Henry explained as he stared at Layla, "God, you look just like her."

"How do you know my mom?" Layla asked as she grabbed his arms tightly, "Tell me."

"Did your mom have any other family?" Henry asked her with alarming eyes, "Did you ever meet them?"

"She told me they lost touched before I was born." she shook her head, seeing Henry's eyes water, "Will you please tell me what the fuck you're talking about?"

"Alicia Ferguson." Henry spoke of Layla's mothers maiden name, "That was her name, wasn't it?"

Layla gapped as she nodded.

"My name is Henry Ferguson." he said back as he gave her a sad smile, "Your mother was my older sister."

kylie speaks

told y'all her storyline
this season was gonna
be interesting as hell.
now i just wanna hurry
up and let her know that
john b and sarah are alive
and coming back to her so
she needs to her her ass
back to the obx.

layla and sarah also
have a insta edit together
on my gram

layla and sarah also have a insta edit together on my gram

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