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"JJ, I think you're a really good person

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"JJ, I think you're a really good person." Layla words made him look at her oddly, the pair going into the store together to get whatever Luke needed, "I'd never do this."

JJ laughed slightly, "Yeah, you would. That's where I learned it from."

Layla handed him the packs of tuna, JJ's hand clasping her wrist as she gave an alarming look, "I'm really, really, sorry I wasn't there for you last night."

"It's not like you knew." Layla said back, feeling guilty, "What I said wasn't me, I was just so angry."

"But you weren't there and I should have know something was wrong." JJ sighed as he let her wrist go, "That's what you'd do if it was me."

Layla frowned slightly as she kicked his foot lightly, "You showed up in the end, didn't you? You were there, it just took a second for things to sink in. That's all that's matters."

JJ nudged her with his shoulder, "Next time your dad tries to kill you, i'll be there immediately."

"Very comforting, thank you." Layla hummed as they laid the items on the counter, "Whats the dam-"

Layla stopped as she met Florences eye behind the counter.

"Oh, yo." JJ's eyed widened as well, "You're working here?"

"I have been for a year now." Florance gave him a odd look, "Considering I always let it slide when the two of you would steal alcohol."

Layla snorted, "Wasn't for us, of course."

"Right." Florence hummed as she began scanning the items, "You two going on a fishing trip?"



The duo shared looks of disbelief together as Florence looked oddly between the pair.

"I am, JJ is just helping me pick out what i'll need." Layla gave a forced laugh, throwing her thump JJ's way, "Knows me better then I know myself, am I right?"

JJ also forced a laugh.

Florance looked between the pair oddly, "7.08."

"Where the hell were you guys?" Pope hollered as the truck parked, the trio jumping out.

"Sarah!" Layla yelled, throwing a pack of sunflower seeds at her, "I know you like em."

"Luke was at the Chateau." JJ spoke, reaching into the back while Layla pulled down the tailgate.

"Oh, great! While you were having family time with your pops, John B got bit by a gator!" Pope yelled, the trio looking over with wide eyes.

"Like, for real?" JJ rose his eyebrows.

Sarah pointed at John B's leg, "Does it look like we're joking?"

"Hold up, I think I have tylenol on me." Layla dug into her pockets.

𝐈 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌| Sarah CameronWhere stories live. Discover now