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Layla going back to school with the Pogues was relatively easy. She didn't necessarily mind the whispers people spoke of her, she'd never been one to feed into in anyways. Though, having a test laid down infront of her the second she walked into first period took her by surprise and set a slight form of anxiety in the bit in her stomach.
"Mr.Sunn, can I borrow Pope for a minute?" A man in a nice suit spoke as he peaked his head into the classroom. Layla glanced up, looking at Pope by her side.
"We're in the middle of a test." their teacher nodded his way. Layla did always like Mr.Sunn, he went easy on her when she'd say or do something that other teachers would truly get her in trouble for.
"I'm from the Vanderhotst Foundation." the well dressed man spoke up yet again, making it clear he hadn't been asking to see Pope, more so demanding.
"Mr.Hayward, it's for you." Mr.Sunn sighed as he encouraged Pope to stand. He gave a slightly worried look toward his friends before walking out of the classroom.
"Miss Winters, is there a problem?" Mr.Sunn spoke up when he saw Layla turned in her chair, speaking to JJ.
"Sorry?" she turned back around quickly with wide eyes.
"A problem, is there one?" be repeated himself with a nod.
"Well, aside from global warming, an over populated earth, too much use of plastic, and tax fraud... no, I don't think." Layla shook her head. A giggle came from the back of the class, making Layla glance over her shoulder at Florence, a redhead girl that had lived on The Cut for some time. Florence was the first girl Layla had kissed, her first almost relationship too. Her heart flipped slightly as she gave her a wave, Layla gave a small smile as she turned back in her seat.
It didn't feel the same.
"Back to work and we'll discuss global warming later." Mr.Sunn nodded, pointing to Laylas test as she nodded and flickered her eyes back down.
Pope hurried back into the classroom, avoiding eye contact as he looked at the trio, holding up a neatly written on envelope.
"Is that the wheat symbol?" Kie asked with a wide eyed look.
"What the f-fu-fudge-fudge!" JJ covered for himself quickly when he spoke too louder, having the rest of the classroom turn back to look his way.
"Is this a game of tag?" JJ asked as the three followed Pope quickly into the library.
"Feels more like hide and seek." Layla spoke, keeping up with Pope as quick as she could, "Pope, your legs are longer then mine, bro."
"Am I gonna have to beat you with your protector? What's going on?" JJ spoke up yet again, zipping Laylas backpack when he noticed she left it open before her.
"Seriously, Pope. You are driving me insane." Kie huffed as they came to a stop suddenly.
"Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee. Take a look at this." Pope finally spoke as he inhaled, handing the letter toward JJ, "Read it."