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"Layla, Layla

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"Layla, Layla." the sound of her own name being called sounded as if she'd been underwater. For a second, Layla thought that she was still in the ocean, drowning in the storm that took John B and Sarah. But her body was warm, too warm, and when she was stuck at sea she'd been freezing, "Layla."

The Winters girls eyes fluttered, squeezing shut once again when the bright light nearly blinded her.I'm dead, she thought over and over. I'm dead and this is the light everyone talks about. Her shoulders were grabbed, head spinning quickly when she was pulled to a sitting up position. Laylas eyes opened for good now, knowing if she was dead that she wouldn't be yanked up like this unless she'd gone straight to hell. And Layla liked to think she was a good enough person to score her a spot in heaven when her time comes around.

"Put this one her head." a female voice rung, Layla's vision blurred and her head was pounding, "Should we take her to the hospital?"

"And say what? My niece was trapped in my girlfriends, who is also our lawyer even though that looks horrible on our case, sauna room?"

It hit Layla immediately after those words. She remember getting the text from Mel, coming here, being shoved into the sauna room by a masked intruder. Had they meant to kill her? Seemed like it. But if that was their intention, why wear a mask to hide who they were? Did they know Layla? Where they ashamed of trying to kill her.

"Henry." Layla spoke, her vision clearing slowly ad she saw her uncle, "Someone-"

"We know, we have it on camera." Mel stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You know who it is?" Layla asked, squeezing her eyes shut as the throbbing pain bounced around her skull.

"No, but we have the video of them leaving the house in a hurry. Mel is working on tracking their license plates." Henry nodded, placing the cold rag on Layals head as they sat in the hallway, the AC turned to as cold as possible.

"Can I see it?" Layla looked toward Mel, "I got the text from you saying you needed me."

"My phone went missing this morning, whoever did this to you stole it." Mel shook her head at Layla, "Last place I had it was the court house this morning."

"My dads lawyers?" Layla suggested, "Or even him?"

"Maybe, we don't know yet. We just wanted to make sure you were safe first." Mel spoke, her hand on the back of Layla's head. It was a unspoken rule to not get close to your clients the way Mel did with Layla and Henry. But falling in love with Henry was so fast, so sudden that she couldn't help but think he was so much more important then her job. Layla came as a gift, Mel could never have children of her own and she'd never had a long term partner to ever consider adoption with. Now she had a sixteen year old, who she loved so much, more then she should and more then she expected.

"Could I see the tape? Maybe I recognize the car?" Layla suggested, slowly standing up as Henry helped her to her feet. She stumbled, Mel holding onto her arm so she stilled, "I need a water."

"You're really dehydrated." Mel nodded, "You can see the tape, but Layla, something happened when you were in there."

Layla looked at her oddly before Henry spoke up, "Ward Cameron...he killed himself."

By the time Layla was almost out the door to see Sarah, the blonde was already at her door in tears. Layla had wrapped her in a tight hug, letting her cry into her neck on Mel's front porch. After a moment, they'd ventured inside and went to Layla's room. Mel had four bedrooms, one of which she only used. Layla had moved all her stuff from the chateau over here a few days ago, much like Henry did. It was fast but it was one of those situations were when you know, you know.

Layla knew the feeling well.

That being said, her bedroom was filled with her art work and artist she'd looked up to, pictures of her and the pogues, one of her mother, all things that were just Layla Winters. Being in an entire room surrounded by things that Layla loved comforted Sarah. She waited until she heard her feet come up the stairs to roll over and watch her walk through the door.

"Hot chocolate with tiny chocolate chips in the whip cream." Layla gave a sad smile as she passed it to Sarah, "Mel has got all the rich people foods."

"It's perfect." Sarah gave a sad smile as she sipped at the warm liquid, "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"You're always welcomed here." Layla nodded her head, "No matter what."

Sarah have a sad look, "Do you remember when you said we should take a step back? So I can have time to get over the break up?"

"We don't have to talk about-" Layla began to stop her before she'd been cut off.

"I don't want to." Sarah stared at her, eyes swollen from crying and lips chapped, "You are the only thing comforting me right now. I don't need time to get over a break up because the entire time I wanted this. I don't want to let it go."

Layla gave a sad smile herself, "You mean that?"

"Yeah." Sarah nodded, placing her cup to the side, "Thank you for being here for me. I know my dad did horrible things to you and yours friends but-"

"He's still your dad, you're still gonna be hurt by it no matter what." Layla grabbed her hands and placed them on her knees. Reaching over, she tucked a few strands of hair behind Sarah's ears, "Regardless, i'm gonna be here for you. If you're hurting, I'm gonna comfort you always."

Sarah leaned over, laying her head on Layla's chest. Layla reached behind her, throwing her Gryffindor blanket over the pair, and pulling Sarah back so they laid down. Sarah kept close, head tucked away into her neck while Layla's arms were around her. It was perfect, they were perfect. No matter the hesitation they had the day before, Layla and Sarah both knew that they loved each other, that she didn't need time after her break up with John B because the entire time she was with him, Sarah had been pretending he was Layla.

kylie speaks

this is so short, ik!
but it's wholesome and
sweet so i wanted to give
it to y'all on its own first!
sayla forever bro.

this is so short, ik!but it's wholesome and sweet so i wanted to giveit to y'all on its own first!sayla forever bro

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𝐈 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌| Sarah CameronWhere stories live. Discover now