♡ not as lucky || bang yedam

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content warning; slight cursing, mentions of suicide, depression, and a toxic-ass friend - lmk if i need to add smth more

"Look, I don't wanna startle you, but I would really appreciate it if you could head over to my apartment as soon as you can."

Jinny requested, slightly out of breath, as she speedily put the groceries into the trolley. Yedam sat straight on his bed, wondering if anything was wrong.

Everything seemed to be fine just a while ago, with him catching up with his friend as she went grocery shopping. But now she was hurrying her pace, panting as she tried to get to her apartment as quickly as she could.

"Why?" Yedam stood from his place, grabbing his wallet as he ran out of his apartment. "Is everything alright?" He quickly got into a taxi, giving the address as he drove to the apartment, like his friend had requested.

"Y/N texted me saying that Nara came into the apartment. She somehow got inside and is yelling about something," Jinny replied. "I can't just leave the groceries, and it's going to take me some time to get home. Can you please make sure nothing bad happens? I don't want Y/N getting hurt like last time."

The last phrase was enough to have Yedam get out of the taxi and run to your apartment. You and Yedam started dating after you two constantly came across each other. You were roommates with Jinny, so whenever Yedam came over, your mutual friend kept trying to set you two up.

And slowly, but surely, it worked.

You two were together for around two years, and you were always there for each other. Yedam helped you out many times when your (ex) best friend, Nara, became toxic, and was the first to show her the door — which resulted in you and Nara breaking off your friendship.

Thanks to Yedam, you had never felt better. You were glad he was there to show Nara her place, because you were sure you wouldn't be able to. For years, you listened to her curses, but Yedam wouldn't have any of that. So, when he heard Nara had returned to your apartment to harass you again, Yedam was going to be there to throw her out — just like last time.

Reaching the apartment, Yedam paid for the taxi and ran up the stairs, hoping things hadn't gone out of control. The front door was open when he arrived, and he quickly went inside, greeting by crashing and yelling. He saw Nara standing outside your room, banging against the door as she tried to either break the door or get you out of your room.

"You weak bitch! Always hiding behind something or someone! That stupid innocent image you made will fool no one!" Nara screamed, her face red with all the yelling. "You always stole the spotlight from me! You have everything, Y/N! You had the perfect grades, the perfect family, the perfect image. Heck, you even got yourself a perfect boyfriend!"

"Every single time I tried to do something, you always ended up getting the attention!" Nara hit her fist against the door, channeling her anger with every hit. "The one time I won that English competition, everyone got to know you were in the hospital because you tried killing yourself! Your depressing and suicidal ass ruined my only chance to shine!"

Yedam froze at her words, furrowing his brows in disbelief as he stared at your door. Killing yourself? Suicidal? Depression? But you always seemed fine to him. He felt his heart pound harder at Nara's words, finding them hard to believe.

The two years he spent with you played in his head, and not once he suspected you had depression. That you tried leaving this world. No, it's not possible. Yedam felt weak-heartened, but those feelings went out the window as soon as he heard Nara's next few words.

"If you just died that day, maybe I wouldn't be here to yell at you. I'd have a happy life. Living under the spotlight I deserve." She scoffed, shaking her head. "The Y/N who can do everything failed at one thing; dying. Next time, try two bottles of painkillers instead of one."

Yedam fisted his hands, trying to hold back the urge to punch her teeth to her stomach. "Okay, that's enough. I think it's time you leave." He held the female's sweater sleeve as he pulled her away from your room. "Leave while I'm asking you kindly. I'm not in the mood to throw you out like last time."

Flashbacks of the previous time went through Nara's mind, remembering how Yedam literally pushed her out of the apartment. Much to Yedam's surprise (not really), Nara left without another word, leaving Yedam alone in the living room.

Yedam walked towards your room, knocking slightly. "Y/N, you can open the door now. Nara is gone," he quietly stated, trying to get you to open the door.

Though you really didn't want to, you fumbled with the lock before opening the door, making Yedam bite his lip as he saw your tear-stained face. "Y-Yedam." You broke down in tears as you saw the male, unable to hold back the feelings you felt.

You heard every word Nara said, and you couldn't help but feel they were true. Maybe you should've taken two bottles of painkillers that day. But when you looked up at met Yedam's gaze, you were kinda glad for not doing so.

Your boyfriend walked into your room, wrapping his arms around you. "Don't cry, baby. Please don't, you are stronger than this, aren't you?" He tried his best to comfort you, knowing very well of the emotions you went through.

"I didn't mean to always steal her spotlight," you cried, falling to the ground as you felt weak. Yedam made sure you didn't hurt yourself as he held you, kneeling down. "I really didn't mean to. Nara is my best friend, I would never do that to her."

Yedam cupped his hands around your face, making you look at him. "I know, baby. You would never do something like that on purpose. And it's not your fault," he assured you, giving an encouraging smile. "You shine bright because of your talents, and it isn't your fault that Nara didn't get the same achievements you did. Nara can't be your best friend if she can't understand that."

"But she's right, isn't she? I'm just a depressing and suicidal bitch who didn't have the sense to buy two bottles of painkillers."

Those words hurt Yedam more than you could've imagined. "I won't comment on that. Because I know you are hurt right now, and it's the pain that's making you say stuff like that. But, I'm going to stay right here with you, if you want to talk." Yedam shook his head, tears clouding his own eyes.

"But, Yedam, what Nara–"

"You are the best thing that has happened to me, Y/N. I don't think I have been happier in my entire life. You bring a smile on to my face, and you make me laugh. And I just want to be able to do that to you too." Yedam pulled you into a hug, holding you close so you couldn't see him crying. "You are always there for me, so when I hear things like this, I feel sad. I feel like I have done nothing, and honestly, I haven't."

"I want to be there for you, Y/N. I want to be the reason for your smile. I want to be the one to make you laugh. I want to see your beautiful face when I wake up for the rest of my life. I want to do everything with you, that's all I can say."

You pulled away from the hug, lips trembling as you saw Yedam crying. "You already are, Yedam. For the past two years, ever since I met you, you are the reason I smile. You are the one who makes me laugh. And you are always there for me." You wiped away his tears, a slight smile on your face. "Thank you for being my everything, Yedam. I'm so lucky to have you by my side."

"Not as lucky as me, though. I love you so much, and I really hope you know that."

a/n: something angsty and soft before i go for my last exam. im so nervous, bc nothing seems to stay in my head. i don't remember a single word i studied, so my four braincells better work together to make sure i at least pass

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