Chapter 41

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Blair's POV

School had ended for the summer but I had to work at the Tattoo Shop 3 days a week. I worked the counter, checking people in and showing them to the tattoo artists as well. I also helped out at The Shop when they were low on staff which was almost all the time.

I was 3 months pregnant now and showing more, I wore baggy band shirts to cover it at work but in the cover of my home I wore tight shirts and didn't care.

I sat behind the counter in The Shop, reading a magazine when the bell above the door rang.

I looked and my eyes widened at the sight of my father walking through the door.


"Hey Bea." He smiled nervously. "Can I talk to you?"

"Jenna can you watch the counter?" I asked the new employee. She nodded and I gestured for my dad to follow me into the backroom.

We sat on the couch awkwardly for the first minute and a half before I got up the nerve why he was here.

"I want to explain why your mother is the way she is." I nodded, putting a hand on my stomach. "She wasn't always this way." He started. "She used to be fun and loving. But she had gotten into a car crash when you were 5 and it messed her up pretty badly. She didn't remember anything from the crash and I didn't want her to, so we went on like nothing happened. A couple months later we were fighting a lot, and once it got so bad that she took you and left. Her ex boyfriend kidnapped the both you, you don't remember that do you?" I shook my head. "Well, she does. She thought I couldn't protect either of you, but she married me anyways. I never understood why." He had a look of pain in his eyes. "Just know she doesn't hate you, she just has the image of a perfect family stuck in her head and doesn't want anybody to wreck that for her."

"So she kicked me out before anybody else found out I was pregnant at 15." He nodded. We stayed in silence for a couple minutes before he spoke again.

"Your mom and I are getting a divorce."

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now