Chapter 31

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Blair's POV

I was allowed to go home a few days later and instead of going hone with Caroline and her family like we had planned, I had to go home with my family.

They had already signed my release papers so I had no choice but to go with them.

"Blair you haven't talked to us since before you got kidnapped." My mother tried to argue with me.

"Your point?" I asked, trying to escape to downstairs.

"You have to talk to us Beabear." Dad pleaded. "Or me at least." I sighed and looked at him, opening the door to the basement as I did.

"Just you." I stated, glaring at my mother before walking downstairs.

Dad joined me in my room, as I sat on my bed.

"What happened baby girl?" He asked me gently, sitting beside me. I sighed before the starting the story.

"I was walking to The Shop and I noticed a van following me. I thought nothing of it until I turned the corner and saw Ashton's car. After that someone tied my hands together and gagged me." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"What happened then?"

"I guess I passed out cause next a knew I woke up in a damp storage room in nothing but my underwear." I was choking on my words now. Dad rubbed my leg to comfort me. "I was raped and beaten continuously for about a month." He had tears in his eyes too. "There's something else dad."

"What is it?" He asked nervously.

"I'm pregnant."

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now