Chapter 33

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Hey guys, it's me:) just letting you know I have a new story up. It's called True Colours and it's a Rian Dawson fan fic and ya. That's all, hope you like this chapter :) and I have a question for you guys. What gender should Blair's baby be?
Love you <3

Blair's POV

Caroline helped me pack all my stuff. I was moving in with her, into Louis old room.

"I can't believe she told you that you aren't her daughter." Caroline grumbled. I sighed.

"I can." I finished packing my clothes and taped the box shut. "She's always liked Xander better." I shrugged and sat down on the now bare bed.

"Well now, you can live with me." I smiled and nodded. "My dad is coming to help with the boxes, and I called Conrad and Owen, they're gonna wait at my house so they don't get yelled at by your mom." I nodded again.

I lifted a light box and climbed up the stairs, Caroline followed me with another box.

"Blair." Xander said, tears present in his eyes.

"You'll see me at school X, don't go all out with the tears." He nodded and grabbed the box from my hands.

"You shouldn't be lifting." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the box back from his hands.

"I'm pregnant not broken." I told him and walked through the front door.

"Blair?" Mikey asked, stepping out of his car. Gerard and Ray were with him too. "What's going on?"

"I'm moving in with Caroline." I stated, seeing Austin's truck pull into the driveway.

"What?!" They all screamed at the same time.

"We all knew it was coming, I can't deal with my mother right now." I explained. "Not in this condition." They looked confused. "I'm pregnant, she wants me to get rid of it, I don't want too." I handed the box I was holding over to Austin and he disappeared in the house to help Caroline.

"It'll be okay Blair, your mother is just over exaggerating." Gerard tried to say.

"No she isn't Gee." I shook my head. "I need to get out of this house, it's not good for me or my baby."

"Okay." Gerard sighed. "We'll help you." I nodded in thanks and we all went back into the house.


"Bye dad." I whispered into my fathers shoulder.

"Bye Bea." He hugged me tighter. "I love you."

"I love you too." I moved onto my brother who just kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you at school." I nodded. I hugged my uncles and waved to my mom.

"Come on Blair." Caroline said, grabbing my hand. "Lets go home."

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