Chapter 4

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Hey guys, I feel like you guys don't like this one as much. Should I not continue? Please start commenting, I love that you guys vote but comments make me actually want to write. I love you <3 Porcelain out


Today was the day, I was finally getting out of this god damn school. I was getting ready at Caroline's house, and her parents were driving me since I wanted nothing to do with my mom and brother making a fuss about my dress, or that I'm wearing a dress. Vivian finished curling my hair and clipped my bangs back. I thanked her and started to do my makeup, doing a little more eyeliner then usual. 

"Okay, you girls ready?" Austin asked. I looked at Caroline who looked gorgeous in her simple black knee length dress with a halter top. She made her own by adding a waist length vest over it and wearing her converse high heels. I looked down at my blue plaid dress and my combat boots and grabbed my matching vest, that Caroline was wearing as well. 

"Ready." I nodded. 

"Pictures first." Vivian said. Caroline and I groaned in sync but stood beside each other for pictures. "Alright, lets go."  Caroline and I sat in the very back, Jai and Caroline's older brother Louis who was 16, sat in the middle and her parents sat in the front seats. Austin played Of Mice And Men (Of course) on the way to the school. He parked, and we got out, well, Caroline and I had to wait for Lewis and Jai to get out first. I climbed out and pulled my dress up, I had put cover up over my scar and it sort of worked to conceal it but you could still see it a little bit. We walked into the school and joined the rest of our classmates, Austin, Vivian, Louis, and Jai went into the gymnasium, Mr.Popke came out and started organizing us alphabetically by last name. 

"Iero." Xander and I stepped forewords and Mr.Popke told me to go in front of Xander. He kept going until no one was left, and pushed us all against the wall. He told us what we had to and went back into the gym to stand on stage with the principal. They started calling names and the line got shorter. 

"Mom and dad are with the rest of our uncles in the very back." Xander whispered right before my name was called. I nodded and heard my name being called. 

"Blair Iero." At least the principal knew how to say my last name right. I walked through the doors and kept my gaze on the floor in front of me. I walked up the isle and sat down in my chair. "Xander Iero." He came down and sat beside me, looking over at me and shooting a small smile at me. He grabbed my hand and I held it.  The rest of the kids got called in and the ceremony started. It wasn't long, just congratulating all of us on completing grade 8, then it was time to call us up for awards. 

"For art, I've chosen a young girl that cares about her artwork more then her school work, this young girl is named Blair." I smiled at the art teacher that was my favourite teacher in this school and stood up, walking on stage and shaking her hand. She handed me the small plaque that I can put in my room and put the medal around my neck. I smiled and walked off the stage, sitting back down. 

"Nice job sis." Xander whispered. 

"This young man has worked so hard on learning music this year, he has a good ear to see if a guitar is out of tune and he wasn't scared to try knew things." I looked at Xander for this one. "Xander Iero." He stood up and walked on stage. They gave him the medal, handed him the plaque and he walked off stage. I highfived him when we sat down and he laughed. The ceremony finished and we were allowed to leave. Mom ran up to Xander first, hugging him and completely ignoring me. I rolled my eyes and hugged my dad who congratulated me and smiled. Gerard snuck up behind me and hugged me. I laughed and turned around to hug him. 

"Good job little Blair." I smiled up at him. "I always knew you could draw."

"Shh, your not seeing them, nobody is." He groaned but hugged me again and let me go so my other uncles could hug me. 

"Hey Bluejay!" Caroline screamed. I spun around, stumbling but staying up right. 

"Yes?" I said, scratching my head. 

"We're going to the place." I smiled and nodded. 

"Blair!" My mom screamed as I ran away. Caroline handed me my bag and Dan and she got Phil and her out of the car and put him on the ground. I put Dan down and put one foot on him, looking back at my mom, putting my bag over my shoulders and smirking before kicking off the ground. Caroline followed me, taking her out of the ponytail and letting it fall down her back in waves. I took the clips out of hair while still kicking the ground, heading away from the school. I turned onto the street and passed through the cars that honked at Caroline and I but we just wanted to get out of these clothes. We got to the shop and I opened the doors, already forgetting I was wearing a dress and running to the clothes. I forgot to bring clothes and I had a lot of money that Austin gave me, he gave Caroline the same amount too. 


"Caroline?" I turned around, seeing Owen and Conrad standing there.

"Are you 2 always here now?" Caroline asked, coming up beside me.

"Basically ya." Conrad nodded, scratching his head. "Why are you 2 in dresses?"

"We just graduated not even 20 minutes ago." I said, shifting in place. 

"Is that why you have that?" Owen asked, lifting my medal up to look at it. I nodded and smiled. 

"So, why you here?" Conrad asked. I turned around and motioned to Caroline to speak. 

"We each got a shit ton of money from my dad so we thought we'd spend it on something useful, like clothes, or a new skateboard deck." She looked at me and I looked at her surprised. 

"Hold on." I said, facing her. "When were going to tell me that we were getting new skateboards?" 

"Now?" She said, making it sound like a question, I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a Green Day shirt, a black sweater and a pair of sneakers in my size. Conrad pointed at the dressing rooms while Caroline picked out what she wanted to wear. I closed the door and started stripping of my dress. I hung it over the door and pulled on the jeans, jumping to get them past my butt. I slipped the shirt over my head and got the sweater on. I messed with my hair, making it from super curly to a light wave. I slipped the shoes on, almost falling but managing to tie them up. I shoved my dress in my bag, knowing I would never wear it again and exited the change room. 

"You guys can have the clothes for free." Owen said, looking at his brother who nodded. 

"Ya, boss won't mind." I smiled and hugged them, they seem surprised but hugged me back. 

"Now, let's go see some skateboards while Caroline's getting changed." I nodded at Owen and ran to the back of the shop, getting on my knees and looking at the decks that were at the bottom shelf and worked my up until I could see. I couldn't see past the 5th shelf and there was still 5 more shelves. "Can you not see?" Owen asked, standing behind me, I nodded and looked up at him since he was like 5'11, which was tall compared to my height of 5'3.

"You know, you don't have to buy one from here, you can send in a design and we can paint it on a deck for you." I turned to Conrad and blinked, 

"Really?" He nodded. I looked through my bag and got my sketch book out, looking through the pages and finding my favourite one that would be perfect. "I don't really want anybody else to work on it though."

"Then you can paint it." I looked up and smiled. "Just come in tomorrow at around lunch time and we'll tell you where you can paint and stuff." I hugged Conrad and he laughed, hugging me back. 

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now