Chapter 14

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Hey guys, it didn't take me ages to update!!!!! Sorry for the short chapter. But please comment and vote!!! I love you <3


"You have to tell someone!" Caroline whisper screamed as to not disturb anyone.

"No!" I warned. "Don't tell anyone! He'll kill me!"

"BLAIR!" Ugh, Xander. "You're awake!"

"No I'm not, my eyes are just open and I'm talking." I rolled my eeyes and Caroline giggled.

"The first words you speak to me in so many months are sarcastic ones." He rolled his eyes right back at me.

"If you don't want a sarcastic response don't talk to me."

"Will you both stop talking!" Caroline screamed waking everybody up at the same time.

"BLAIR!" My mom hugged me and kissed my face all over while I just stiffened and sat there.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hi daddy." I mumbled, as my mom stepped away with a shocked expression on her face.

"What happened Blair, why did you do it?" Mikey asked.

"I didn't!" I tried to control my voice. "If you would of answered your goddamn phone I wouldn't be in this fucking hospital bed telling everybody about what the fuck just happened!"

"You called me?" He asked weakly.

"Multiple times." I answered, crossing my arms, being careful of the needles in my arms that kept me alive.

"Whatever, lets not talk about that." Gerard said. "Why'd you ruin your life with drugs?"

"I didn't want to." I mumbled under my breath. "It was my friend, he convinced me to try just one shot so I did. I was stupid and being a teenager. I got addicted. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry! That's the best you can do?!" Mom bursted out.

"What am I supposed to say?" I asked, trying to keep calm.

"That you won't do it again!"

"Pfft." I blew her off and checked my nails that were still painted jet black with tiny chips from when I first did them and moved my fingers.

"Ugh! You never listen to me!"

"I never listen to you!!!! I've been listening to you my entire life so far! You never listen to me! Everytime I try and talk to you, I get pushed away!" I cried. Mom was quiet. "When can I get out of here?" I sighed quietly.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now