Chapter 9

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It's been so long, HII AGAIN! I haven't had any motivation to write any of my stories but I'm back. If you guys have any ideas that you want me to write about please PM me or put them in the comments. Vote as well, it means a lot. I love you <3


"I'm sorry." I cried as Ashton's fist connected with my stomach again.

"You better be." Tears fell down my face as Ashton dropped me to the ground. He left to his room and I let out a chocked sob. All I did was drop a glass of water, the glass didn't even break, but the water spilled everywhere. I used to wall to lift myself up and grabbed Zed. I left his house and ran down his driveway, putting Zed down as I reached the end of the driveway. I looked back at his house and saw him looking at me through his window. I turned away and jumped on my skateboard, pushing away and towards the Starbucks. I walked in, holding my skateboard,running towards the bathrooms to fix my eyeliner. My blue eyes were red but I had my contacts in my bag, I did have to wear glasses but Ashton hates them so I have contacts that help me see and that are also a more natural colour of blue then the blue my eyes are. I put them in and applied come eyeliner around my eyes. After I decided it was as good as it was gonna get I sighed and took my jacket off, lifting my shirt up seeing that my stomach was already starting to bruise. I let my shirt fall and tied my jacket around my waist, fixing my bracelets to hide the harsh red lines covering my wrist. My black hair fell in my face as I walked out of the bathroom, standing in the line. I ordered a coffee, deciding that I needed it to help me stay awake.

I looked around while I waited for my name to be called and saw Caroline staring at me from the booth where we always sat. I noticed that Conrad had his arm around her and Owen was sitting in front of them, all 3 were staring at me and I just stared back. My mind couldn't handle everything that was happening, I heard my name being called and I turned away, grabbing my coffee. My bracelets moved, revealing a couple of the red lines on my wrist.

"Fuck." I whispered, turning around and almost running into Caroline.

"Bluejay?" She asked, tears in her eyes. I stumbled away and ignored her, just as I've been doing for the past couple days. "Blair, please talk to me." Tears pricked my eyes and I stepped around her, stepping into the New Jersey air. I sighed as I heard her footsteps behind me.

"Just leave me alone Caroline!" I screamed, turning to look at her, tears falling down my cheeks again. Gods I cry a lot.

"But Blair." She cried. I put Zed on the ground again and turned around so she couldn't see my tears.

"No Caroline, just leave me alone, you just slowed me down before." I jumped on Zed and pushed off the ground, wiping my eyes with my left hand, holding my coffee in my right hand. I heard her screaming after me but I ignored her, swearing at myself for pushing away the only person that could ever save me from this hell I'm in. I cried all the way back to my house and I ran in, ignoring my parents and Xander and locked myself in my room, grabbing my new best friend. I made a couple new cuts and cried, grabbing 2 pills from the bottle Ashton gave me. I stumbled around my room, finally falling on my bed and blacked out, not even knowing what pills I just took.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now