Chapter 25

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I'm sorry for the short chapter, to make this story even longer I will make shorter chapters so just stay with me. They'll be short but hopefully interesting. So what do you guys think is gonna happen in the next few chapters? Tell me in the comments. I love you <3

Blair's POV

I was walking to The Shop to see Conrad and Owen when I saw a black van following me.

I thought nothing of it until I turned corner and saw a car I knew well.


I felt hands on my shoulders a hand covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. Then my hands got tied together behind my back.

I was so close to The Shop but I'm to far.

I got dragged and thrown into the black van. The door closed and I was left almost crying on the floors of the van.
My eyes opened and I looked around to see where I was.

It was dark, I was tied to a chair. I've been kidnapped.

I heard a door open and footsteps. Then Ashton appeared. He's gotten taller, and has more muscle.

I tried to back up but that only ended in the chair I was tied to falling over. My head hit the cold concrete floor and I think I blacked out for a split second.

"You dumbass!" He screamed at me. He grabbed my chair and lifted it up so all 4s were on the floor. "Can't you do anything right?!" I cried out as my head snapped to the side from his punch. 

"I'm sorry." I cried which earned me another punch. 

"Don't cry!!!!" I bit my lip to keep a scream in. He forcefully untied my bonds and threw me onto the cold ground. "Get. Up." I stumbled to get to my feet as quick as possible as to not anger but that falled and I tripped over my feet and ended up back on the floor. He growled and kicked my stomach. I groaned and curled my arms around my stomach, he just kept kicking. "I'll be back later bitch, and your gonna give me whatever I want." 

As soon as he left I burst out crying and lifted up my shirt. Bruises were already forming across my pale skin. 

I knew I'd probaly be here for a while which made me cry harder. 

Who knew what he would do to me?

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن