Chapter 19

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Sup guys, if you're still reading this please comment and tell me what you think cause I think that nobody is reading this anymore and stuffs. So please comment and tell me what you think, whether you love it or hate it, I don't care, I take all of your opinions and use them to help my writing. And if you guys could then could you check out my new story that I started? It's called The Mistake and is a Michael Clifford fan fiction but ya. Pircture is of Xander ------->

I love you guys <3

Blair's POV

"Blair?" I turned at my name and saw Xander standing there with Monica and Clarabelle by his side. "Why did you leave last night?"

"Cause I wanted too." I shrugged and turned back to my food.

"You could've of gotten hurt." Why does he even try?

"But I didn't." I reminded him.

"You could've."

"Just leave Xander, she obviously doesn't care that you're trying to protect her." Monica sneered, glaring at me. "If I was her, I'd be honored to have a brother so caring." That set me off. I spun around, standing as I did it and got in her face.

"You have got to be kidding me! You're a fucking bitch!" I screamed. "You think I don't care about my brother?! I LOVE my brother!!"

"Doesn't look like it!" She shot back.

"You know what? Shut up before another stupid ass thing can come out of your mouth!" I don't really remember what happened next but I know that it landed me in the principals office with a split lip, a black eye and 3 scratches from her nails. Monica was worse. She had a broken nose, a black eye and a bruised jaw along with scratches all along her arms.

"You know I don't tolerate violence in this school, Monica I will give you a warning since this is your first time being down here, but I have to give you detention for a month." Monica nodded, wiping away a fake tear and sniffling. I scoffed. That lying bitch.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just trying go be nice and she pounced on me." I turned and glared at her.

"You lying bitch." I growled.

"BLAIR IERO!" Principal Davidson screamed. "You will not use that language at this school!" I scoffed and leaned down in my seat. "You may go Mrs.Williams." Monica left the room and I was left alone with the principal. "Blair your behavior today can't be tolerated, I'm sorry but you're going to be suspended for 2 weeks and maybe that will give you more understanding about how things work here." I rolled my eyes.

"It was one simple fight."

"Not only that, you were caught smoking in the ladies room, you're late to almost all your classes, your outbursts during class, insulting the teachers, not doing your work! Blair this behavior can't be tolerated."

"So your punishment for me is to miss more school?" I asked leaning forwards and putting my head in my hands. "How is that supposed to help me?"

"I'll get your brother to bring your books home for you."

"No my brother is not bringing my books, get Conrad, Owen or Caroline to bring them home for me." I interrupted.

"Why can't your brother bring them home for you?" Principal Davidson asked curiously.

"Because Xander is the whole cause of why this happened."

"Okay, I won't hassle you anymore, please go to the rest of your classes but tomorrow, do not come to school." I nodded and grabbed my messenger bag and put it over my shoulder, standing up.

I knew that he already called my parents so I wasn't going home after school, but I had no idea what I was gonna do for 2 weeks while Caroline, Conrad and Owen were all at school. I'd think of something,

I got to Chemistry and walked in, making all heads turn to me. Owen smirked at me and I stuck up the middle finger at him while the teacher wasn't looking and walked over to the desk I shared with him.

"Mrs Iero!" I groaned and turned to face the teacher when I sat down. "Where have you been?"

"The office." I told her.

"And why?"

"Look at my face and it'll tell you why, I got in a fight." All the kids in my class ohhed and when I turned to glare they shut their mouths and looked down.

"Why were you fighting?"

"Why are you asking me questions when you could be teaching the class?" She shut up too and started teaching us.

I felt a piece of paper hit my hand and I looked over to see Owen sliding a piece of folded paper over to me while looking straight ahead. I smiled a little bit and grabbed the paper, unfolding it.

U look terrible, just saying -O

I rolled my eyes at the words in his messy hand writing and wrote a response

Gee tnks, luv u 2 -B

I folded the paper and sent it back to him.

A minute later I got the paper back.

How much shit u in? -O

Suspended 4 2 weeks -B

That suks dick -O

Ik >:( Wat will I do when Ur here? -B

Miss me? ;) -O


"MRS IERO! MR CONNERS!" Both of us looked up and saw the teacher standing in front of our desk, "Enough flirting and pay attention to my lesson." She didn't get to say anything else cause the bell rang and both Owen and I ran out of the room before anyone else could get up.

We met Caroline and Conrad at our lockers and both Owen and I burst out laughing but I stopped immediately because of my lip and it hurt like hell when I moved my face.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Caroline asked.

"We got caught passing notes." I explained.

"You guys are idiots." Conrad rolled his eyes and I got the books I needed for homework tonight.

"Hey can one of you bring my homework home for me for the next 2 weeks?"

"Why can't you do it?" Conrad asked me, closing his locker.

"Cause I'm suspended for 2 weeks which means I can't." I answered. "All I did was get in a simple fight, it's not that big of a deal." I shrugged and all 3 of them laughed at me.

"Anyways, ya we'll bring you your work, but anyways, I'm guessing you're not going home?" Owen said as we walked slowly towards the exit.

"Nope." I shook my had.

"You guys wanna help us down at The Shop, it's getting busy lately due to summer and we need some extra hands." Conrad explained. Caroline and I looked at each other and nodded.

"Ya sure." We said at the same time making both boys groan in response to us talking at the same time.

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