Chapter 7

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Hello dere again, I hope you like this chapter, please if you do then comment and tell me. I have a feeling you don't like this one as much. Please vote too, and I love you <3


Over the summer I was hanging out with Ashton more and more, and I think we're boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Hey babe." He said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and kissing my cheek.

"Hey Ash." I smiled...but it disappeared.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at him and clasped my hands together in my lap.

"What are we? Are we dating?" He smiled and pressed his lips against mine.

"Of course." I smiled and hugged him.

"I gotta get home, see you later?" He nodded and I grabbed my Skateboard that I named Zed and skated away from Ashton, heading for Caroline's house.

-A month later-

We start high school today, and I'm scared...I've heard that people change during highschool, and I don't want to lose Caroline...she's been there for me, but what if we get seperated and can't be fixed after.

"Bye mom, bye dad." My brother called, I stood up off the couch, going to window and watching Xander get on the bus with Monica and Clarabelle. I sighed and grabbed my bag, unclipping Zed and walking out of the house without a goodbye, skating towards Caroline's house. Her dad was driving us since it was our first day and didn't want to walk...or skateboard. Caroline and Austin walked out of the house as soon as I got to the driveway and smiled at me. I got in the back without them having to say a word and they got into the front seats. I looked out the window, biting my lip and tapping my fingers.

"Bluejay." I huffed and flipped my now fully black hair out of my face. All my family were shocked when I came home and didn't have blue hair, that was yesterday and they're still shocked.

"I don't have blue hair anymore, you can't call me bluejay." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Yes I can, your favourite colour is still blue and most likely after graduation you're dying it blue again, so I'm sticking to bluejay." I laughed at her and sat up, looking at her. She smiled at me and I returned it.

"I hope we have mostly all our classes together, I'll be lost without my sister." I sulked, fake crying. She laughed at me and messed up my hair. I frowned and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Bitch." Austin laughed and kept driving, ignoring the glares he was getting from his daughter.

"I love you Caroline." He called after he as he stopped and we got out.

"Bye dad." She sighed, closing the door and running around to meet me at the other side. I saw Xander and he glared at me since I got a ride and he had to take the bus. I blew him a kiss, grabbing onto Caroline and pulling her past my brother and his friends. We got to the office unharmed and ask for our schedules and locker numbers. Our lockers were of course in the part of the school that was the farthest away from all of our classes and the farthest away from the front doors. This school was like a maze, it had so many hallways, and classrooms, way more then our other school had. My locker was at the end of the hall and Caroline's was 2 down from mine. I put what I needed to into my locker and compared schedules with Caroline. "We have math, science and history together." I nodded and tried to read my schedule but my brain mixed up the words.

"Carebear." I sighed. She smiled sweetly at me and looked my classes.

"We have math first." I groaned but grabbed my bag, putting Zed in my locker and snapping the lock on it. I shuffled towards math and we walked in, getting looked at by mostly everyone. I groaned in my head and shuffled towards the back of the room, following Caroline. I didn't notice when someone stuck out their foot, causing me to trip and land on my face. My face flashed red and I scrambled up to my feet, rushing to the back, not getting tripped again and sat down beside Caroline. My face was flaming red and I couldn't stop it. The teacher walked in and introduced herself as Mrs Leto. She launched right into the first lesson that I didn't understand any of. I settled with doodling a cartoon version of my dad as Fun Ghoul.

"Miss in the back with black hair." I looked up from my drawing and jumped to find Mrs Leto right there. "Why aren't you listening?"

"I am." I said, scratching my head with my pencil.

"Then what did I just say?"

"Why aren't you listening?" I answered, hiding my smile at her face. She didn't get to say anything because the door opened.

"Mrs Leto?" A young boy head snapped up and looked at the door. There stood Owen. I raised my eyebrow at him and he saw me, and smirked, walking into the room and handing a piece of paper to Mrs Leto.

"Go sit next to the disrespectful little girl in the back." I smirked and raised my hand, directing my gaze at Mrs Leto. She swallowed and started talking again. Owen sat down in the chair on the left to me since Caroline was on the right. She leaned forwards on her hand watching Mrs Leto carefully...math was always her favourite subject.

"Are you following me?" I asked Owen, keeping my eyes on Mrs Leto. He hid a smile and looked over at me, raising a eyebrow. I smirked and kept drawing my cartoon, waiting for this class to be over. The bell rang and I got out of there as fast as I could.

"Wrong way bluejay!" Caroline called after me. I turned around and ran to catch up with her.

"Where are we going now?" I whispered.

"History." I groaned again and walked to the back of the classroom that were in. Owen sat beside me again, smirking at me and crossing his legs. I rolled my eyes and finished my doodle from art.

"Miss Iero." I looked up, glaring at the teacher who got my last name wrong.

"It's pronounced I-year-o." I growled, making the teacher step back in shock. I smiled, pleased and looked back down, leaning against my hand. The class finished and Caroline pulled me aside.

"You have creative writing next, then it's lunch, so meet me in the cafeteria after class." I nodded and walked in the oppisite direction of Caroline. I walked in the classroom a couple seconds after the last bell to get to class rang but this teacher was the best. The rest of the day passed quickly. After lunch I had music with one of the best male teachers I've ever met, then we had science which sort of suks but after that I have my art class which I was most excited about. Turns out that maybe high-school wouldn't be so bad, but I didn't know what was coming later in the year.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz