Chapter 15

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Chapter 15, I hope you like it. Please comment and vote. I love you <3


A couple days later I was allowed to leave and suffered through an awkward silence with my family the whole ride.

"Go down to your room and rest." I rolled my eyes but followed orders, walking down stairs and going into my room, locking the door so nobody could get in.

Before I could even sit down on my bed my phone went off.

Carebear:Hey, lets hang out. It'll be fun

I thought for a second and nodded.

Me:I'll be there soon

I grabbed Zed who I haven't rode in so long and opened my window. I crawled out and reached ddown to grab my bag. I ran down the driveway and put Zed down skating away from my house and towards Caroline's.

I knocked on the door and thankfully it was Caroline that opened the door. She pulled me into a hug straight away and I sighed happily, hugging her back.

"Come on, mom and dad have missed you." She took my hand and lead me into the house. I held my breath as she pulled me into the living room where Austin and Vivian were sitting watching TV.

"Blair!" Austin shouted getting up and suffocating me in a hug. "I missed you!" I laughed hugging him back and squealing when he spun me around.

Vivian hugged me lightly and I couldn't fight the tears that betrayed me and fell down my cheeks as I looked up at both of the people that took care of me when my parents were more worried about Xander then me.

"I'm sorry." I muttered pathetically and wiped my tears away.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Vivian told me, brushing my tears away. "You're a teenager, you'll make mistakes but in the end, you must never forget who will always be there for you." I looked back at Caroline and smiled.

"I've learned from my mistakes, I'm never leaving Caroline again." Caroline llooked up at my words and smiled with tears in her eyes. "Not for anything."

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now