Chapter 29

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Owen's POV

"We found out where she's being held." A male cop told us. "We're gonna need help."

I wrung my hands together for the thousands time as I listened to the cop who was telling us what to do.

It sounded simple enough.

Ashton was keeping Blair in an abandoned warehouse, I guess they needed us to go in and confront him.

I don't get why they didn't just do it themselves but we didn't question.

Conrad and I slipped through the doors first and Caroline followed shortly after.

All 3 of us had microphones attached to us out of sight and a gun ticked into the waistband of our jeans just in case. If shots were fired we weren't to blame, it would be classified as self defense and we wouldn't be charged.

Voices were heard from down the long hallways were in, and I heard cries. Blair's cries. I balled my hands into fists and we moved faster.

"You little bitch!!" I heard a slap and Blair choke out a cry. "That's what you get." I got the gun out and held it out down in front of me like my grandpa showed me to do when I was little.

"Never raise the gun unless you know what you're shooting at."

He always used to say. In the corner of my eye I saw Conrad do the same as me and Caroline just held onto him.

Other voices were heard not just Ashton's as we rounded the corner.

2 other people were hovering above Blair's body. I saw the tears streaking down her cheeks, and I wanted to do nothing but punish the assholes that did this to her.

Blair must of sensed something because she looked up and our eyes met.

The look in her eyes was indescribable, she looked scared but at the same time relieved.

I raised my gun a little bit above Ashton's head and pulled the trigger. It didn't hit him but it scared him.

Conrad and I came out of our hiding spot and the 2 men plus Ashton came towards us.

I was knocked to the ground by Ashton and my gun went flying across the floor.

His fist met my face and I heard a sickening crack. He hit me multiple times and smthen started hitting my head against the concrete floor. After a couple hits I lost sight but regained it and got the strength to flip us over so I was above him. I threw punch after punch.

We fought and fought. He kicked my ribs causing me to cry out so I kneed him in the face. Blood splattered over my white shirt, but Ashton wasn't done.

He backed me up against the wall and punched me.

By now the cops were here and Ashton was pulled off me and handcuffs were put on his wrists.

"Wait." I said making the officers stop. I got in Ashton's face and punched him one more time. "You deserve everything you get you asshole."

They let him go and I spit out the blood that was in my mouth before running over to Blair who was getting unhooked from the chain.

Her body was limp, her hair was greasy, nasty bruises covered her face, cuts and bruises were littered across her entire body. She was in a bra and underwear and noting else. She was passed out.

I watched as the paramedics wheeled her away and out of my sight. Another nurse helped me and got my on a gurney since now that I could feel the pain I couldn't walk. I got put in an ambulance beside my brother who got beat up pretty badly

I fell to my knees, the pain from my fight finally hitting me.

Everything hurt, the head wound finally set it and I couldn't take it anymore. I blacked out.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now