Chapter 6

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get this chapter up, I apologize that these chapters are boring, but if you stay with me for more chapters in the future, I promise that this will get more interesting, I have so many ideas for this story, so please, stay till the end. I love you <3


For the fair I painted something that I thought nobody else would paint. A girl on a set train tracks. Her hair was wild and the look I painted on her face was scared, and the train was coming up behind her.

"DAD!" I whined. He looked up and raised an eyebrow at me.

"The fairs today, can you drive me?" I asked. He got up and grabbed his keys.

"Be back soon babe!" I rolled my eyes, not hearing my moms reply, and going out the door. I put my painting in the back, covered it with a blanket, and got in the front seat. Dad drove to where the fair was going to be and there was more teenagers like me, setting up their paintings and talking. I got out and grabbed my painting, dad waved goodbye and drove away. I walked through the people and found the lady from yesterday.

"There you are, lets see what you painted." I turned the canvas around and showed her. She gasped and smiled. "That's perfect." She took it from me and turned around to put it on a stand. I looked around and saw some really good paintings, mine looked stupid compared to them. "So, go look around, the prizes get handed out in an hour." I nodded and walked away, looking at the other paintings and talked to the artists about what they were feeling when they painted it. An hour later all of us met up at the center for the prizes. They called out names and people pushed their way through to get the prizes. "Blair Iero." I pushed through people and climbed on stage. A man put the medals around my neck and handed me a ribbon. I stood with the other winners and people snapped pictures, making me feel really uncomfortable. I was allowed to leave...finally. I texted my dad, asking for him to pick me up, and stood outside, waiting. Uncle Gerard showed up instead of my dad and opened the passenger side door.

"Where's dad?" I asked, buckling my seatbelt and turning to Gerard.

"Your mom took him out so you're stuck with me." I nodded and put on of his CDs in, Green Day. I sang along with Gerard and laughed as we pulled into the driveway and he turned the car off. "Be good for your family." I rolled my eyes and leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you for the ride uncle Geebear." He laughed and turned the key, making the car start up again.

"Bye Blair." I smiled and got out, walking up the steps and opening my front door.

"You're late!" Mom screamed, stepping out of the kitchen. I ignored her and pushed past to get the door leading downstairs. "Don't you dare go downstairs." I opened the door and climbed down the stairs, unlocking the door to my room and closing my door behind me. I put my bag on my bed and laid down, putting my hands behind my head. My door opened and I look up a little bit to see it was my brother. I rolled my eyes and rolled off my bed, grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

"What do you want Xander?" I asked, looking up from my phone.

"Mom is mad." He told me, leaning against the door frame.

"Okay." I shrugged. "She hates me, why should I care?"

"She doesn't hate you." He sighed, coming into my room and sitting on my bed.

"Off." He rolled his eyes and got up. "And yes she does." He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"You have to come eat."

"I'm not hungry."


"Xander." He groaned and turned to leave. I rolled my eyes and opened my messaging, clicking on Carebear.

Can I sleep over? She's annoying me -B

I didn't have to say a name, she knew who I was talking about.

Of course, come on over -C

I grabbed my bag and shoved some clothes in it, with my drawing book and other stuff I need, I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my skateboard. i opened my window, throwing my bag and skateboard out like I normally do and climbed out, closing my window a little bit. I threw my bag over my shoulder and picked up my skateboard, running towards the road and then stopped to put my skateboard down and step on him to start skating away. I made it to Caroline's house and went through the door, not knocking or nothing.

"Honey I'm hooooooome!" I sang, walking through the house. I heard laughing from the living room, which I immediately turned and walked in, smiling at Vivian and Austin. I sat on Caroline's lap making her laugh and put her arms around my waist. I put my stuff on the floor and cuddled. We do this a lot so it's not weird for us or anything.

"So, are you staying home tonight or going out?" Austin asked.

"I think we'll stay here and have a movie night." Caroline said, looking at me for comformation. I nodded and pushed my blue hair out of my face.

"Can you dye my hair tomorrow?" I asked, playing with a piece. Caroline nodded and looked at her parents.

"When school starts you have to have one solid colour, they won't allow you have colour." I growled under my breath and glared at the ground.

"Stupid highschool rules." I groaned.

"What colour you gonna dye it when school starts?" Louis asked, coming into the room.

"Why aren't you gone yet?" He glared at me but his face softened and a smile grew on his face.

"I'm here to bug you until summers over." I groaned and leaned against Caroline again.

"I'm most likely gonna dye it black." I said, answering his question from earlier.

"Are you dying it black now or in a couple months?" Austin asked.

"In a couple months, I want to still have a happy colour for a couple more months." They laughed at me and I stood up finally. "Movies?" I asked Caroline. she nodded and stood up, handing me my skateboard and grabbing my bag. We ran downstairs and threw my stuff in her room then went out to the lounge to watch movies.

-Next day-

"Stop moving!" Caroline growled as I twitched for the 10th time in the 5 minutes since she started doing my hair. I crossed my arms and glared at the wall. I twitched again and Caroline screamed at me.

"I'm sorry, I can't stop!" I yelled back and tried sitting still. Caroline finished my hair with me twitching the whole time. I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of coffee, making it the way I like it. Louis came in and laughed at me.

"Nice hair." I glared and drank my coffee, burning my tongue but not caring. Louis laughed at me and rolled his eyes, pushing me away to get his own coffee.

"Bluejay, go shower!" I finished my coffee and walked into the bathroom, starting the shower. I've been here long enough to be able to shower here and it to not be awkward. I stripped, not getting any more hair dye on my shirt and I stepped into the shower, washing my hair out, rinsing my hair until the water ran clear. I conditioned my hair, washed that out and turned the water off, grabbing a dark blue towel and drying off. I put new clothes on and put my hair up in a towel, stepping out of the bathroom and sitting down at the table with Caroline and the rest of her family. I feel like I belong here more then with my family. Is that bad?

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant