Chapter 23

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This chapter mentions abusive behavior, read at own risk
Owen's POV

"Hey loser." Shit. I hurried up my steps trying to avoid my worst nightmare. Why did I come home? I should've waited for Conrad to be ready. Or just slept at Caroline's house like she suggested.

My dad gripped my arm and pushed me against the wall. I could feel his breath on my face and I could smell alcohol on his breath. He was drunk. "You're such a failure."

"You think I don't know that?" I spat.

"You ruined my only chance at happiness since you killed your mom!"

"I didn't kill mom!" I cried. "And your chance at happiness was some fucking whore you brought home from a bar!"

"She was the love of my life!" His nostrils flared AA he got more angry. "At least she was until you and your dumbass brother got involved."

"Maybe she would still be here if you weren't an abusive prick." Damn I don't know when to stop talking.

"You'll pay for that." His knee came into contact with my crotch and I gasped, falling to my knees. He kicked my stomach sending to my back. "You fag, why don't you just die." He kicked me multiple times. Each time I cried out in pain as his foot came in contact to my stomach.

He stepped away breathing heavily and I thought he was done until I saw his eyes darken even more.

He gripped my shirt and hauled me to my feet. He got in my face again and raised his fist. My head snapped to the side as his fist hit my cheek. He punched me repeatedly until his anger faded.

I fell to the ground as I had no strength left to stand on my own. He spit on me and stomped outbid the house leaving me in my own pool of blood and pain.

"OWEN!" I heard my name and flinched away as I felt handed carefully poking my body.

"Conrad." I cried.

"I'm right here Owen." He whispered and helped me stand. I leaned on him for support as he helped me out of the house to his car.

At the hospital I was sent in straight away since I couldn't stand by myself.

The doctor checked me over and confirmed my thoughts. I had a couple broken ribs, a broken nose, a bruised jaw and a split lip plus a black eye.

"What happened this time?" Our doctor asked. We make up a new excuse every single time we come in here and sometimes he believes us and sometimes he doesn't.

"A group if boys from our school found us and beat Owen up and made me watch then left us there. I came here as soon as I could."

"Okay." He sighed. "You should be able to go back to school on Monday but take it easy and no


Conrad helped me out of the hospital and towards the car.

"We're definitely not going home until you heal." Conrad told me and drove towards The Shop.

When will we finally be safe? And finally go home without being scared. Will it ever happen?

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now