Chapter 16

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Hope you like this chapter, please comment and vote. Also picture to the side is how I imagine Caroline to look like ------>

I love you <3


Hanging with Caroline was like nothing ever happened.

We acted the same way we did before this whole Ashton, drug thing.

"Bluejay." I knew she would bring it up at some point. By the tone of her voice I knew it was happening now. "Why did you hurt yourself over him?"

"I don't know Carebear." I sighed looking down at my hands. "I had the idea that if I inflicted pain on myself that I wouldn't hurt anybody but myself. I tried drawing, listening to music. Anything that could distract me but I kept going back to the razor."

"Oh Bluejay." She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her tightly. Not shedding anymore tears. I've cried enough lately to last a life time.

"I love you Blair." I smiled.

"I love you too Caroline."

"Can we go to The Shop?" I took a breath, nervous about seeing Conrad and Owen again for the first time since the hospital.

"Ya, lets go." I sighed, knowing I'd have to face the 2 brothers sooner or later.

We went to The Shop and walked inside.

"Care!" I flinched. I hated when people screamed. It usually meant they were going to hit me.

"It's gonna be alright Bluejay." Caroline whispered when she noticed me flinch.

Conrad ran out and went straight towards Caroline, wrapping his arms around her then pressing his lips against hers.

I stood in shock, when the hell did this happen?

"Ugh gross." Owen said, coming out of the back room. "Hi Blair." He seemed surprised I was here. I waved awkwardly, turning away from the making out couple. I walked to the counter and leaned against it while smiling at Owen awkwardly. "It's been awhile."

"Ya it has." I pointed behind me towards the couple basically eating eachpthers faces. "When did that happen?"

"4 months ago." He rolled his eyes. "When Conrad dumped his old girlfriend cause she was cheating on him, Caroline was there for them and I guess it started from there." He shrugged. "Come on to the bback, I want to talk to you."

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat