Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter, I hope it's longer. But I got my laptop so I can see how long these chapters will really be rather then guessing that their short or not. So please comment if you like it, vote as well. And if someone could make me a cover that would be amazing. I love you <3


"Hey mom can Caroline sleep over?" I asked at dinner.

"No." She said, not looking at me.

"Why not!"

"Because I don't want anybody sleeping over on a school night."

"You let Clarabelle and Monica sleep over anytime they want! Why can't I have Caroline sleep over once a week?!"

"I said no and that's final." I stood up and ran downstairs to my room. After My Chemical Romance broke up we moved out of the house and got a smaller one fit for the 4 of us. I have the downstairs to myself and everyone else has the upstairs. I locked my behind me and grabbed my phone. We're not allowed having phones at the table, but everybody else has their phones and I leave mine in my room. I texted Caroline telling her I was coming over. I grabbed my backpack with my stuff for school and shoved some clothes for tomorrow and my PJ's in as well. I grab my skateboard and crawl through my window, landing on the grass. I close it behind me, leaving it open a little bit, I ran across the yard to the front and put my skateboard down, starting to skate away from my house. When I got to her house I went in through the window, knowing she won't care, and neither will her parents. Her parents are Austin and Vivian Carlile, so they're awesome, I love her parents. I never see the rest of Of Mice & Men though, which sucks cause they're one of my favourite bands.

"Hey Carebear." I said walking into the kitchen. They looked up and smiled at me. Caroline's little brother got up right away and jumped on me. "I missed you to trouble." I laughed and put him down. He was 6 and was the cutest little boy ever. His name is Jai but I call him trouble.

"You staying over?" Austin asked.

"If that's alright." I scratched the back of my neck, knowing it will be okay.

"Of course, we won't turn down our second daughter." Vivian said, making me smile.

"Thank you, I need to get out of there, I can't wait till I'm 18." I sighed, opening the freezer and grabbing the ice cream. I've been here enough times to be able to take food and not get in trouble. I got a spoon and sat down beside Caroline.

"Don't say that, even if you're mad at your parents, you'll always love them." Austin told me. I sighed and again.

"Ya, but they don't need to treat me like a baby, my brother is 5 minutes older then me and they treat him like an adult but I get treated like shit." I ate my ice cream as I spoke.

"You may feel like that but I'm telling you now, if you don't at least try and get along with your family, you'll regret it."

"I know." I groaned at him.

"Take it from me, if I was nice to my brothers and sisters, I'd still have their support." Vivian told me.

"I know your siblings, they're mean."

"Yes but...they're still family, and I know you'll love them forever, no matter how much you're mad at them." i got up and threw the ice cream container out and jumped on the counter.

"I still don't wanna be there right now." I sighed.

"Why don't you guys go to The Shop." Austin suggested. "I know Caroline needs new wheels for Phil." Phil is her skateboard, named after AmazingPhil, mine is named Dan, like DanIsNotOnFire.

"I need some too." I whispered.

"Here." And he handed me some money.

"Thank you!" I jumped up and jumped to hug him. I'm a midget compared to him, he's like 6'4 and I'm 5'4 like both my parents and my brother.

"Now get out of here, be back here by 9." I nodded and grabbed Caroline's hand. She giggled and grabbed Phil. I left my bag here and grabbed Dan, running out the door. We laughed as we took off, skating away into town. We got to the shop 30 minutes later and ran through the door. The shop was amazing, it was actually called The Shop and it was a store for kids like me. It had skateboard stuff in the back, band merch across the right wall, CD's and band flags/posters on the left wall and music stuff like guitars, microphones, bass guitars, and sets of drums. I usually go into the center but right away we ran into the back where the skateboard parts were kept. I looked at the different wheels and grabbed a pack of blue ones and a pack of orange ones. I looked at the different decks and sighed, looking down at Dan who had a fading design on the bottom of a skeleton trick or treating.

"Soon Dan, we'll get you upgraded as soon as get money off my parents." I whispered.

"Hey Bluejay you ready?" I nodded and turned away from the skateboard decks, heading up to the counter where a really hot guy my age was standing.

"Is this all?" He asked, looking up, his purple eyes locking with my blue eyes.

"Um ya, this is it." Caroline said, stepping on my foot for my attention. I bit my tounge to hide the pain and looked away. "Are your eyes really purple?" Just like Caroline.

"Um, no they're contacts." He stuttered.

"How old are you?"

"14." He said, scanning our items. "I'm covering for my brother while he makes out with his girlfriend in the back." I grabbed my wheels and apologized for Caroline. "It's fine, hey what's your name?"

"I'm Blair." I smiled.

"Hi Blair, I'm Owen." I waved and we said buy.

"He's cute." Caroline giggled when the door closed behind us. I rolled my eyes and put Dan on the ground, stepping on him and pushing off on the ground. Caroline followed behind me, as I headed to Starbucks. I picked Dan up and she picked Phil up and we walked inside, standing in the already huge line.

"This is gonna take a while." I groaned. As we waited we talked about the guy at the skate shop, he was really cute. He had a blonde part in his black hair and he had a tounge ring that I saw when he spoke. I couldn't see how tall he was, or if he was muscular because he was wearing a hoodie, and he was sitting down.

"I wonder if he's gonna be in high-school next year." Caroline asked herself as the last person in front of us ordered her drink. I nodded and turned around to order my normal drink, a vanilla bean frappe with a a raspberry shot. It tasted like cotton candy, which was one of my favourite types of candy. Caroline ordered her drink and we told the girl our names. The thing I love about being friends with Caroline is that we never not have anything to talk about, we're always talking about something. "Let's go home, my parents are wondering about us." I nodded and grabbed my drink from the girl. We skated home, with our Starbucks and bags of wheels in hands. "We're home!!!!!!!!" She screamed when we got through the door.

"Okay, you're brother is going to bed now, go downstairs and try to be quiet." I snorted and covered my mouth as they laughed at me.

"That was adorable." Austin laughed. I blushed and covered my face.

"Lets go downstairs Carebear." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her down the stairs. She laughed as we sat on the couch and reached over to grab a screwdriver off the coffee table. She handed me one and I got to work changing the wheels on Dan. When I finished Dan had 3 blue wheels and 1 orange wheel, before he had 2 pink wheels and 2 green wheels, and those wheels were so worn out.

"I think I'm going to bed." I said.

"K, I'll be in after I finish this wheel." I nodded and went into her room, stopping and looking at all the band posters on her walls. I changed into a OM&M tank top and my black sweatpants, and got into her king size bed. I looked at her wall and waited for her to come in and get in the bed. I've always had trouble falling asleep by myself, so I can't sleep unless someone else is in the room with me. Even then I get really bad nightmares that scare me so much that I can't get back to sleep afterwards. "Goodnight Bluejay." I heard her whisper in my ear.

"Goodnight Carebear." I whispered back, closing my eyes and falling into a nightmare ridden sleep.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now