Chapter 35

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Blair's POV 

The next day I returned to school. Everybody stared at me as I walked down the hall with Owen and Caroline. Conrad was in exams so he was stuck in a classroom mostly all day while we hung around our lockers talking until the bell rang. 

I heard the people whispering when I walked past, but honestly, the whispers haven't bothered me as much as they did before. I feel more confindent now, somehow being pregnant, raised my self esteem. 

"Mrs Iero." My French teacher nodded at me when I walked in. I nodded back to her and sat in my spot at the back of the class.

I actually payed attention and surprisingly I learned a lot about the subject.

"Blair." I stopped at the door and faced Madame. "Can I talk to you?" I nodded and walked up to her desk.

"Yes madame?" I asked.

"I heard about what happened to you from Mr Winston." She stood up and walked to my side. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." I just shrugged. "So, when you take the time off school I'm gonna send your homework home with Caroline and she'll return it the next day to me." I nodded.

"That sounds good." I told her. "Thank you." I left the room and joined Owen by our lockers to exchange books for our next class.

"See you in art." He stated and kissed me softly before smiling at me and leaving to go to science.

"You guys are so cute it's gross." Caroline muttered and grabbed her history book. "Lets go." I nodded and grabbed my history book before following Caroline to our next class.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now